Psychological phenomena that have no explanation

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3 years ago

Psychological phenomena that have no explanation .. You definitely have one of them!

Have you ever wondered if you have psychic abilities? Do you feel in your daily life that you have the ability to déjà vu, or do you view your intuition as mere coincidences? Do you ignore the unusual things facing you or take a deep look at them? There is a large majority of us possess psychological abilities in a certain way, sometimes people think that psychological capabilities are bad or bad things.

This is simply not true. We all have some kind of psychological behavior, but many of us do not know how to recognize the symptoms, ignore them, or have not discovered them yet, it is only a matter of time before psychological abilities begin to appear.

High level of intuition

If you knew who was calling your phone before it rang, who would write to you before the message reached you, or if you had expected an event to happen before it happened, canceled a project or something without a specific reason for you to feel something wrong with it, and then you discovered that its effects on your life if it were implemented were Will it be dire? ... Or you decided a decision that is not based on your convictions because of your intense sense of comfort towards it. This is intuition .. Or, more precisely, the highest level of intuition, and it is a gift presented to you by yourself and it is worth noting that science put forward hypotheses on the subject without any conclusion.

The déjà vu phenomenon

If you always feel that you have been somewhere before even if you have not already done so, and if you have a great sense of familiarity with people, places and things, and a situation passes over you and you feel that you have previously experienced it, you may have experienced the experience of déjà vu. It is worth noting that Psychology spoke a lot about this phenomenon, but did not provide any clear explanation for this situation.

See the events

If you have visions of future events, anything that happens in the next hour or three days from now, and you see events in your dreams when you sleep or in daydreams, then you have a gift from yourself to you.


Do you feel you can send messages through your mind? Did you feel that you were reading someone else's thinking? So you possess the skill of telepathy, a term coined by Frederick Myers in 1882 and refers to the ability to communicate and transfer information from the mind of a person to another, that is, it means the ability to acquire information about any other conscious object, and this information may be thoughts or feelings. Example: Sometimes you think of someone you miss, for example, and then suddenly you find him calling you .. This is because you conveyed the idea to him through your mind .. And there are people who use telepathy now to transfer ideas from his mind to any mind he wants .. It is worth noting that psychology did not talk about these Phenomenon.

Incubus perch

Have you ever felt while you were asleep that you could not move? Or did you experience frightening hallucinations, in which you felt that you were awake but could not move?!.

It is worth noting that many interpret it as paralysis that occurs during sleep due to our awakening in rapid eye movement, while the mechanism of muscle relaxation has not yet stopped, causing this paralysis in wakefulness that lasts for a second or several minutes. However, the subject is still subject to complex secrets.

Lucid Dream

Sometimes while you are dreaming, you feel that this dream is like a perceived reality, meaning that you know inside a dream that you are dreaming and thus you can act in it consciously as we act in waking life.

It is worth noting that this phenomenon, then scientifically explained, is by practicing some methods of meditation and relaxation before bed and charging the subconscious mind with this idea that you want to dream about to be reflected during sleep and have it.

You feel the sadness of someone you love

This is a very direct feeling where you only know that the person you love is in trouble with great impression and sometimes with a feeling of intense fear, there is no explanation for that except that you know that something is wrong with the person you love.

Falling asleep hypnic jerk

Has it ever happened to you that you were about to go into a very happy, deep sleep and then suddenly feel that you are falling and your body shaking from the shock?

It is worth noting that this phenomenon occurs most often during very light sleep, when the body temperature decreases and the heart begins to slow down and the brain leaves control of the muscles, so the brain invents a small dream in which you feel that you are falling from the top of a slope, for example .. This is a mechanism that saves you from death. Because your body systems stop getting tired and exhausted.


Sometimes strange coincidences arise that do not have any meaning other than strange, such as thinking about a song and being surprised that it is being broadcast on the radio at the same time!

It is worth noting that there are rare coincidences that we can call a superhero, such as the one that happened with Joseph Figlock, as the man was walking quietly on a street in Detroit in 1930 when suddenly a little boy fell over his head from a balcony One of the tall apartments, Joseph brilliantly grabbed the child and saved him from an inevitable death, and he was also unharmed, which many people are a miraculous coincidence.

A year after that strange incident, Joseph accidentally passed by the same street, and this time also, incredibly, the same child fell over his head from the same balcony, Joseph saved him just like the previous time. By the way, this is a true story.

The Jamais vu phenomenon

It is a French expression meaning (I have not seen it before) and it is a psychological state in which the individual cannot remember any familiar situation from what he saw before, and it is the opposite of the phenomenon (de pague), the individual here comes to him with a “strange” and “terrible” feeling to see the scene for the first time Although his logic and mind tell him that he had seen him before, this phenomenon occurs frequently when we forget to remember a specific word or name for a few moments. It is worth noting that this phenomenon occurs during the dispersion of a person’s thought.

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3 years ago
