Do you have charisma, charming and attractive!

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3 years ago

Certainly, in your life, you have met people who have a strange influence on others, and leave a magical effect on the eyes and heart of everyone who sees them, even if it is only once, but this time is enough for the person to imprint his fingerprint in the memory of those around him.

Or you find a person who is loved by all of his friends and family and is attracted to the attention of all the meetings and occasions and is waiting for others to come because he has a special place in their hearts.

Perhaps you are really this charming person who captivates everyone who sees, if you know this thing then you are lucky and if you do not know it, watch these qualities. If you possess all or some of them, then you are definitely admired by everyone who sees you.

1- Passion and love

Passion is one of the first signs of attractive charisma, as love is always an inspiration for everyone, a source of comfort for hearts and a source of inspiration for minds. Therefore, you find everyone who speaks with a tone of love and a look of passion in their eyes, casts a great resonance in his life among people. He affects those around him and you find yourself enjoying his words even if your interest is completely far from his interest, but the amount of energy that comes out of his words and his love for his work or what he talks about, you find it has a special effect on you and the heart of everyone around him.

If you have this characteristic, preserve it and let love grow inside you, but if you did not discover your passion with all your effort and share your love with those around you, then everyone who lives life with his passion and love will be an unforgettable person.

2- An entertaining narration method

There are some people who you find have the skill and mastery in telling what happened to him in an entertaining way or by narrating an anecdote or a story he heard about or happened with him. To understand this effect well, remember with me the scene of the grandfather who tells his grandchildren stories of his heroism and everyone is wrapping around him silently with their eyes watching the grandfather in all its details or the storyteller scene in the old cafes and everyone is waiting for the next sentence to be uttered to know what happened in the story, or the fire around which people gather to speak their stories.

All are scenes that we watched a lot, and perhaps for a while we did not think about them, we did not think that the narrator possesses the attraction that makes the person tied to him to know what happened.

The method of telling news or stories, especially useful ones, does not fall within ordinary speech. Do not forget that human civilization is based on the transmission of stories, events and news. Every good speaker who speaks useful and enjoys it always robs the mind of the audience.

3- Warmth

Warmth in words or sympathy and attention, there are those who find in his words a great interest in those in front of him and his words you find asking about your news honestly and interacting with you with love and interest and affected by what you say and he is happy with you and tries to stand with you in your intensity, these have a charismatic personality that attracts attention. Especially because the person who possesses these qualities is always trusted by others, preserves their secrets, and finds comfort in his words, so everyone who talks to him feels completely comfortable and avoids any pretense or flattery.

But every person who sympathizes with others and cares for them must beware of affecting his life, so his sympathy must be balanced, so he does not live in the concerns of others throughout his day and negatively affect his comfort and psyche. For every loving, warm and compassionate person is the undisputed throne of hearts.

4- Spontaneity in expression

Every person enjoys a spontaneous way of expressing and discusses his thoughts and what is in his mind without fear or hesitation, he is someone to whom everyone is attracted. Most consider this character to be courageous and no one is afraid to deal with it. Because her frankness and spontaneity make it comfortable for her to speak, even if this character may fall into some problems or some embarrassing situations, but we do not deny that she is admired by many for the boldness that she possesses in discussing her ideas. Every person spontaneous and bold in proposing his ideas attracts the minds with his courage.

5- Leadership ability

Being a leader means being charming. There are many who find they have a flame of activity, strength, and the constant ability to initiate and take control of matters.These people are attracted to everyone around them because this personality is not affected by fatigue or pressure, so it maintains the spirit of activity in it and the ability to act and take advice from those around it and listen to advice. Every person is a leader and entrepreneur who brings people together around him with their complete desire and enjoyment.

6- The ability to make eye contact

Eye contact is one of the secrets of communicating with those around you that works to strengthen the relationship with those you talk to and their sense of the extent of your interest in them and the delivery of your information to them and your interest in listening to them and the clarity of ideas between you.

Enhancing others' sense of the importance of your communication together gives the person attractiveness and an indication of his high confidence in himself and what he says. For each person who maintains contact with one eye in front of him gives the impression of his self-confident.

7- The smile

The key to entering hearts with full force. Smiling at the face of those you meet makes you an unforgettable one, not only that, but everyone who remembers you or brings your biography will be printed in his memory the image of your smile because he is used to seeing it from you. The amount of energy and love that you send to others just by smiling makes you dig an unforgettable place in minds.

And a small trick that you can do: which is to say in your mind while you are talking to a person and looking into his eyes, “I respect you, or I love you, or I admire you” without saying it publicly, so the expressions that are then sent to the person are enough to make him comfortable with you by talking and feeling positive and emotional compatibility Among you. Every person who smiles on his life is a person whom everyone likes to see without exception.

In the end, charisma is important and being an influential person is something that opens many doors for you in your life and in your interactions with those around you.

Life is a group of relationships with people and opportunities opened by those people, so preserve your charming personality and work to develop yourself in the field that you think you miss.

And if you feel that you miss a lot to reach these characters, the solution is easy. Just focus on the first trait you would like to cultivate yourself and start looking for how to enhance it with practical steps. With time, you will find a big change in your personality that will make you happy and positively affect your life.

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Written by
3 years ago
