Can you pass a racism exam?

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3 years ago

are you racist ? If you answer these questions, you will have passed the racist free test.

Racism, the definition of racism has always differed in one way or another, but the goal of differentiation and differentiation of one group of people from the other and the difference in treatment, rights and duties is common to all definitions.

No matter how much we try to search and investigate the types and meanings of racism in societies, we find that it does not deviate from the meaning of discrimination and the belief that there are differences and differences between groups of people and the generalized and absolute judgment on a group of people due to what or according to the behavior of one of them.

We do not overlook our noble Messenger's prohibition against her and fighting her, as describing her by saying, may God bless him and grant him peace, let her, for she is stinky, the greatest warning from the preaching of a detestable racist thought and acting upon it.

What are the foundations on which racism takes place?

  1. The language

  2. Religious beliefs

  3. the color

  4. Social classes

  5. the culture

  6. Physical level

What is the reason behind racism?

The reasons are many, and perhaps one of the most important reasons why a person adopts racist thought and acts on it is ignorance and insufficient awareness of the need to understand the existence of differences and accept them and understand the role of difference in the equilibrium of the universe. Undoubtedly, the inherited habits and ideas that are cultivated in the minds of individuals from childhood have a great and direct impact.

We will not forget the role of boasting about genealogy and challenging the lineage or honor of anyone who does not belong to the same lineage, differences in material levels, arrogance, vanity, and some psychological problems.

Questions that reveal to you are you a racist or not!

  • The first question: In some countries there is a sweets called Ras al-Abed. Are you willing to submit a petition to change this name?

  • The second question: If a joke was mentioned in front of you that mocking another nationality, what would you do?

  • The third question: If the word slaves is mentioned, would you protest against a person whose skin color is brown?

  • Fourth question: Are other nationalities in your country considered among your interests?

  • The fifth question: Do you judge an entire country because of the behavior of one person from that country?

  • The sixth question: If one of your family wanted to marry another race, would you protest?

  • The seventh question: How do you feel about anyone wearing a national dress?

  • The eighth question: If you are a manager, do you refuse to hire someone because of his nationality or color?

  • The Ninth question : Do you feel disturbed if you sit next to a person of a different nationality on a bus or plane?

  • The tenth question: Do you have a problem living in a neighborhood whose residents are of a different nationality or ethnicity?

Be honest in answering the questions, and your answers will reveal to you whether you are a racist type or among the open, conscious and accepting people.

How do we get rid of racism?

Racism has a long course, but it is not difficult at all. Many nations were able to get rid of racism, and there is no doubt that the effort should be distributed between the individual himself, the family, society and the government.

The family must cultivate in the hearts of its children the love and respect of others and the rejection of fanaticism and contempt for others and pride and arrogance, and there is no doubt that children imitate what they see from their parents, so every person must strengthen his religious tenacity and work to educate himself and respect others and not attack anyone who carries An idea that contradicts yours, or we called it ugly descriptions indicating his gender, color, religion, or race.

  • Schools, universities, institutions, and human rights associations must conduct educational and interactive sessions to spread the concept of rejecting racism.

  • The media should focus on the idea of ​​rejecting racism and paying attention to the ideas that are being broadcast.

  • Governments must establish justice and equality and punish everyone who does an act or statement that denotes racism.

Racism may lead to the demise of civilizations, and before we allow them to fuse us into them, we must get rid of them and believe in the necessity of justice, equality and spreading the spirit of equality and respect among members of society in order to rise from them and excel!

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Written by
3 years ago
