Are you bored of your life? Here's how to make it fun

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3 years ago

When we suffer from monotony in our life, every day can seem like a fog, and we simply go through it to forget it, and it usually takes some kind of emotional breakdown to say, "I am bored with my life." Life must be exciting, lively and complete; Because you are living only one life, and the more time you spend feeling as if you are going through life alone, the less time you will feel alive.

In this article, we discuss what it means to be bored, what it means to be bored with life, why the world is causing us to fail, and how we can ultimately cope with our boredom.

What does it mean to feel bored?

Feeling bored is like feeling tired, as you may feel bored from your relationship, your partner, your work, your favorite food, or your hobbies. This is what psychologists call “coping with pleasure,” a behavioral phenomenon that describes the human tendency to get used to the things we do over and over again.

We have all experienced the problem of coping with pleasure at one point or another; When we experience something for the first time, our emotional reaction: arousal is at its highest. As we continue to experience the same thing over and over, this emotional response gradually decreases until it fades away completely, and this is the stage at which we begin to feel that "this is too boring."

Why are you bored with life?

Being bored with life may seem like it comes out of nowhere, but this is never the case. Rather, it is more than just a phase that you cannot predict when it will happen, as you will not feel it until you have fully sunk into it. This stage requires certain events in your life. You may find yourself stuck in a state of emptiness known as "feeling bored with life", as soon as you have experienced enough of these types of events without properly addressing them.

Here are the types of experiences that can cause you to feel this way:

  • When your heart breaks, and you feel that you cannot go through the same experience again.

  • When you try to accomplish something and fail; So you now think that whatever else you might try will end the same way.

  • When you care deeply and enthusiastically about a project or vision, but you get disappointed in some way.

  • When you spend months or years trying to change your situation to get more in your life, but things stay the way they are, thus preventing you from moving forward.

  • When you feel that you are running out of time to be the person you want; To find that you are not the person you should be at this age.

  • When you lose other people who were equal with you in terms of the profession or the projects through which you were able to achieve your dreams, you later feel that your dreams will not be realized.

  • When you never feel a true passion for anything, you later fear the idea that you will never feel what other people are feeling.

  • When life and routine have coexisted the same for the past several years and you do not see that either of them will change soon; So it appears that this will continue for the rest of your life, and that everything new in your life is over.

Feeling bored from your life is a feeling much deeper than simply being a bored person. It is a crisis similar to an existential crisis, and sometimes it is an important sign indicating the occurrence of an existential crisis. Ultimately, it has its roots in the internal conflict that we all face. Is that the matter? Is this my life? Is that all I wanted to do? Instead of facing these difficult questions, we suppress them and bury them away, which leads to a feeling of boredom with life.

There are three types of boredom:

  • Anxiety boredom: It is the boredom that anxiety feeds from its source, as we use stimuli to keep ourselves occupied, and we believe that fun should result from an external stimulus such as an activity with another person, and because we do not have these external stimuli, we become full of anxiety and terror.

  • Fear boredom: It is the fear of oneself, of not knowing where the lack of motivation will take you, and what would happen if we allow our minds to calm down for once and reflect. There are many people who cannot bear the idea of ​​being alone in their minds; This is because it forces them to ask questions that they do not want to confront.

  • Personality boredom: personality boredom differs from the first and second types in that it is more reflexive. This requires a person to analyze what their boredom means rather than dismissing it as a basic instinct. This type of boredom occurs in those who understand that their boredom does not come from a lack of external stimulation, but rather from a personal inability to engage with the world in an interesting way. We feel bored because our thoughts are repetitive and boring, not because the world cannot entertain us.

The modern world makes life boring for five reasons:

Most people are more bored with their lives than ever before, but the epidemic of boredom seems to contrast with the modern world, which contains thousands of TV channels, millions of websites, countless video games, movies, albums and events, as well as the ability to travel around the world. And learn languages, and try exotic foods like never before. So why are more people talking about chronic boredom and feelings of underachievement over the years? There are 5 reasons why the modern world can lead you to failure, and they are:

1. Overstimulation:

The human mind is susceptible to addiction for a number of reasons, as biochemical addiction to dopamine occurs as a result of a pleasant experience, behavioral addiction to repeating the same activities and simply getting used to monotony, and psychological addiction to continuing activities so that you do not feel socially excluded by your peers; These are just a few of the reasons why we are addicted to anything that excites us enough with the appropriate methods. In this case, we're talking about an addiction to overstimulation.

We are constantly stimulated by the technology that is haunting us through: TV shows, video games, social media, movies, text messages, pictures, and everything else that populates our social and personal news platforms, filling our time all day long; We never want more entertainment in a world full of it, and maximum of it can keep us at a satisfying level of motivation Because we've gotten used to it for so long.

2. Meet basic needs:

Most of human history has not had a continuous introduction to the basic necessities of life; Food, water, and shelter were things that most people had always fought for, and the world barely considered contemporary rights such as: the basic human rights of the vast majority of human civilization.

These days, many of us - at least those reading this article - need not worry a lot about the basics of living like food, water and housing. We may still be struggling with paying our bills; But, in the worst-case scenarios of our lives, do we have to face the fact that we will starve, that we do not have enough water, and that we do not have a place to sleep? Mankind has long struggled to fulfill these basic human needs, and our minds have been programmed accordingly.

Now that many of us have these basic needs and are content to spend their whole day working towards achieving them, our minds are now compelled to ask: What next? It is a new question and many of us are still struggling to answer it. What will come after this? When we are not hungry, thirsty and without a home, when we have a partner and emotional satisfaction, when we have a steady profession; What then?

3. Separation between the individual and production:

While we may be working, getting paid, and applauding our company and our industry, we may not feel that we are working towards creating anything real and tangible, and this contributes to feeling the need to ask: "What do I do with my life?" That resonates with individuals who feel their passion is meaningless. Because the work they do does not create anything they can imagine doing.

4. Having unrealistic aspirations:

Social media is cancer, and there's no better way to say it. These media fill us with feelings of (FOMO) or "fear of not knowing the latest developments" We follow the rich and famous, getting drunk with pictures and videos of their amazing lives; We also follow our peers, and we see all the great things that happen in their lives: vacations, professional promotions, wonderful relationships, and more, then we have to do one of two things:

Continuing to consume amazing social media content as the feeling that our lives are not enough.

Trying to compete with our social circles, and posting better and bigger things to show that we have an amazing life like theirs.

5. Not knowing what you want:

Perhaps the most important point for most of us when faced with boredom in life is this: not knowing what we want, nor how to choose. The modern world has given many of us the freedom to choose our life paths, from the careers we choose to the people we marry. For example: We have the freedom to work only 8 hours a day, instead of spending the whole day outside or fishing. And we have the luxury of studying and working anywhere we want in the world. We are left with a million ways to go a million different paths, but this level of selection can be useless. We must constantly ask ourselves: Did we make the right choice?

Overcoming boredom:

When we are bored, we instinctively go out into the world and add new things to our lives. This is part of the problem. People tend to think that going around the world, going to a crazy party, or taking up a wild new hobby; It is the ultimate solution to boredom. However, looking for new experiences does not give you the time or space to think about the things you have in your life. All you do is fill your days with more sources of distraction and more motivation.

In fact, whatever new exciting thing you adopt, it will inevitably be old. Sure, everything new you do will get boring. Because the things you do are not the root of the problem. The problem is how to do it.

Ultimately, getting bored is having one of the following symptoms:

  • Being afraid of your thoughts.

  • You don't know what to do in periods of calm and stillness.

  • Being addicted to stimulation.

What most people don't understand is that boredom is an existence and a reflection of how you live your life. Even the most sexy people in the world are tired of having completely adapted to it. Running away is not the cure for your boredom. Rather, fight for autonomy in your own life, so going on the next big adventure won't help you not be bored; Because what will help you is to make your everyday life an adventure.

Coping with pleasure:

You have to overcome the coping with pleasure if you want to overcome the feeling of boredom. This is because we forget the little details that made our life so enjoyable once we get used to the routine; Adopting a more mindful mind will help you find new joys in life, and it will make you feel like the old is constantly being renewed. Here are some mental exercises that can help you cope with coping with pleasure:

1. Take a different approach:

Changing your life does not always involve a drastic change, as it can be as simple as: changing the path you take to work and home; This will allow you to see different views, and give your brain the opportunity to think about things differently, instead of staring at the same billboards and ads that you have seen thousands of times before. And when you start getting bored of this path, return to your old path; And you'll be amazed at the new things you'll start noticing as soon as you change the scene.

2. Ask good questions:

Replace the typical question: "How are you today?" With something new and exciting; Asking exciting questions has two-fold benefits. First: It stimulates your brain to think outside the box, and second: You integrate with your partner, friend, or co-worker in a way that you have not done before. Instead of having the same old conversation around the weekend, ask the people around you about new things you haven't asked them about before, and turn to strange questions like: "If you were allowed to eat from only one kitchen in the world, what would it be?"

This gives you the opportunity to discover new things about your social circle, and stimulates curiosity and excitement in your personal life at the same time.

3. Leave the office:

Being in the same environment for a long time contributes to boredom; If you work in an office, consider asking your boss to work from home part-time, and take this opportunity to make calls, check emails, and do office tasks in a nice café or hall. If getting out of the office is non-negotiable, consider rearranging your desk and restructuring the way you work. The goal is to force your brain to pay attention again, rather than putting yourself in a monotonous and automatic state of thinking.

4. Eat with your hands:

The dining experience has many ingredients; We like to think that food quality and service are the only things that matter, but the truth is that experience can color the way things look in our heads. Have you ever wondered why eating Chinese food - such as so much fun? Not because you are eating "Michelin Star", but rather because you are sitting on the floor and eating it directly from the package using sticks.

Eating with your hands is advice you can take literally and figuratively. And the next time you eat something, throw out the cutlery, enjoy leisurely tasting every bite, feel the texture of what you eat, and think about how it can contribute to the overall dining experience. Overcoming pleasure is all about updating the things you already have, such as eating, commuting, or work, by finding strange new ways to do them.

Boredom isn't the problem:

The next time you get bored, resist the urge to book a random beach excursion, or engage in some form of body modification. Ultimately, boredom won't be a problem so much as a symptom

What makes boredom unbearable is that people treat it as a problem. In fact, you don't have to run away from boredom. It's a natural part of everyone's being, and it's not a problem that you have to run away from, but an opportunity to ask yourself this question: "How can I do things differently?"

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$ 3.27 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Farah
Written by
3 years ago


I also feel bored in life these days. I want to experience something new but this pandemic hinders me too. I feel so bored that even sleeping bores me.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The time to be lazy and seated on the sofa is a good time to force yourself to go for a walk, to cook, or to call a friend and tell him about your potential.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

There is a lot of way to have fun in our life. You explaination is really good. I appreciate it

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Energize and restore your time to life by activating your hobbies and re-engaging in the things and activities that you have neglected.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Sometimes we feel bore, fall in tension, depression comes in our mind. But we don't learn how to overcome it. You explained it so well. Really one of the best article I have ever say. Your wrote is really amazed me

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When you feel depressed, do the things that you used to do, even if you didn't want to. Do not give in to your psychological state.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah, you are right

$ 0.00
3 years ago