How to unleash the power of your mind to get what you want

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Avatar for FanyOkami
2 years ago
Topics: Opinion, English

This post is not a guide or anything like that. I am not an expert or professional in this field, what I am here to tell you is what I have learned about the power of decreeing our desires and trusting in that, to attract positive things to our lives.

There are many people who believe that these things do not exist. The fact that we have a connection with the whole universe and with other beings, and that we can make it benefit us and help us to have a better life.

Although I am not a faithful follower of these beliefs that you could somehow call "supernatural", I have learned a few things that I have tried to apply in my life and it has helped me.

The main point of the matter is to "think positive" and then "manifest and decree what you want in your life" Sounds pretty easy doesn't it? The thing is that you must have conviction, you have to believe 100% that it is going to be a certain way, the way you want it to be, and eliminate any hint of doubt or negativity in your being. I am going to expose the two most recent situations that I have lived that have made me confirm that what I have told you is true.

Last week, talking with a friend who is out of the country, we touched on the subject of friendships that move away from our lives, people with whom we shared a lot at a certain time but after that coexistence ended, the friendship cooled over the years, to the point that we never spoke again, and interactions were reduced to a like or reaction on a social network.

We were talking about it for a while, when suddenly on the other hand, I get a message from a cousin:

"Love and coffee should never be allowed to get cold.. And neither should true friendship!"

I dare to bet that the first thing anyone would say is "what a coincidence!" but no friends, coincidence does not exist and that is more than a clear sign of it, it is about the connection we have with the universe and with other people, especially those who are more sensitive or perceptive of these phenomena, as is the case of my cousin. It is the same when you have days thinking about someone, or suddenly you dream about that person and that week she calls you, or writes you, that happened to me with my grandmother, when I had time without talking to her and I spent several days thinking about it, suddenly, she called me and said "mija, I had days thinking about you" Those things are not coincidence.

Now, the other event I am going to talk about has to do with decreeing what we want in our lives. Surely on more than one occasion you have heard that positive thinking attracts positive things, when you say them, you attract with more force what you want because you are decreeing it, you are making it a reality, and for you that should be what you want: prosperity, love, health, etc.

I am going to tell you my experience, trying to summarize it so that it does not become tedious. This week I had a certain amount of money destined to buy food, and I had another part destined to buy something I wanted some time ago. When I went out to buy the food, I was going to leave the money for that (a pair of shoes) but my partner brought it with her. In the end, I decided to buy more food than I had planned because I got good offers and well I was already in the store. In conclusion, I spent the money for the shoes on the food. Later that day, talking to my partner I told her "I'm not going to give myself a hard time for spending that, I have a post almost ready to publish on Hive Blog tomorrow and I'm going to get X amount of rewards.

That day I didn't think about it anymore, the next day when I was about to publish that post, I almost thought "maybe I won't get much" but I immediately got rid of that thought, I uploaded it and that was it. You can't imagine my surprise when I checked hours later and saw that I got almost double what I had decreed I was going to receive. And no, I don't think it was coincidence or anything like that, for me it was a perfect synchronicity of what I wanted, with the universe.

Now, why doesn't it always work for me? What I've noticed happens to me other times is that I don't believe it myself. But how so? Well, let's say that suddenly I say to myself "today I'm going to succeed in X thing" but in the bottom of my mind, I also say "naaa, it's not going to happen" and that's what prevents us from reaching that connection with the universe. It's not enough to just say it for the sake of saying it, you really have to feel it, you have to believe it. You are supposed to be affirming that something is going to be as you say, and in affirmations there is no doubt, there should be no inconsistency, that is what I consider to be "the secret" or "the magic" in all of this.

Again, I am no expert, nor am I giving you the ultimate solution to your problems. It is something that we must work on, that we must change and achieve ourselves. It is about changing the way we have thought about all our lives, but really and with conviction.

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Avatar for FanyOkami
2 years ago
Topics: Opinion, English
