Reality Behind Matic

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Avatar for Fantaaraga
3 years ago

The reality behind Matic and ETH is that they are siblings. Eth is the senior while Matic is the junior. Why you need Matic is that it scales while ETH doesn't.👌

Right now, ETH gas price are high, because that's the point. So Matic is here to guide ETH in light of the fact that it's sibling. 😀 So the two offer something very similar just a single thing differs which is Adaptability.

Ethereum is amazing and people are saying ethereum can't scale and that's the truth but here is the support that ETH is going to scale because maticnetwork is a Layer 2 that gives you the scalability so you don't need ETH 2.0. Matic is here to defend it. 2.0 might happen anytime soon so the truth is ETH don't need it, because the maticnetwork is already taking the applications on ethereum scaling this applications to mass adoption levels.

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