The mother to her child

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3 years ago

The mother to her child:

Always say thank you, when something or a is service is given to you. Do not grab at it without proper expression. During meal time, a good mother says: don't seize God's food, say the grace after meals. She teaches prayer in the family by calling all members together every morning for prayer. After the prayer, greetings follow before dispersing for different morning activities.

After evening meals and baths, mother calls the family together to say prayers. This prayer teaches children to learn to lead prayerful lives.

In addition, the mother insists that all the children attend service on Sunday. If the children learn this habit early in the family, they can hardly break it.

Respect to elder is advised by the mother. A child must greet and welcome the elders at the appropriate time.mother insists that a child must help a friend but not in doing anything wrong. Mother knows her children's friends and their parents.

Children are advised to resist borrowing things from friends. Mother teaches the children to respect other people's right and properly, to be polite to strangers but avoid being too open with them nor let out secret to them. Say the truth,because people will begin to trust you.

Not to do things to excess even if such things are attractive. This helps the children to learn to be self restraint and patient.

S.Sekamnwa says:people don't stare at others and at things at things with such fixed gaze for long,even when they have just seen such people and such things for the first time." Mother teaches the children a lot of philosophy through folktale, riddles and proverbs. She tells stories and the idea behind them. Mother teaches the children devotion to work especially through example.

These teaching from mother helps children's' character and spiritual formation. The mother is always at the forefront of the education of the children even though the father has to play a part in the same line.

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Avatar for Faisal99
3 years ago


Love you my mother

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3 years ago

Mother is a great blessing to us from the Allah almighty

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3 years ago

Yeah all mother's are good and beautiful I love my mother love you so much great article

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3 years ago

I just want to say mother love is everything in our lifes..

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3 years ago

Mother love is a great and real love in the world. A mother does everything for her children.

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3 years ago

The qur'an says women are deficient in intelligence and in religion. But our mothers are smart and guide us into faith in Jesus! For he is Risen! And is the saviour for the world!

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3 years ago