Serve well

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3 months ago

Hello friends wishing you all a happy and a successful Thursday from here, hope everyone is going well with you guys? Stay safe love you all.

Sees though who is diligence in his work will not stand before mere men but before kings and queens. In every service there's a reward, Even in the scripture God says I'm a rewarder of those who diligently serves me. In every service there's must be a reward it would be either bad or good rewards that will be according to how we rendered our services. If we rendered it badly we will also receive bad reward but if we did it perfectly then perfect rewards is coming our way.

Rendering services to a master because this has to be done with two persons that's the servant and the master, so the servant must be the one rendering services to the master while the master must try all he could to listen and also comply to the servant. Services is Karma it will definitely bounce back, what goes up must definitely comes down. So the perfect services must receive a perfect rewards while the poor will also receive a poor rewards.

Nothing good than being good in all that we do even when our master is around or not, eye services isn't a good one but the ability to render services perfectly is what pays. A lot of servant are fun of pretending as if there are really good when the master is around but in the absence of their master there behalf other wise. Eye services does not really pay but the good services that comes out from the heart pays.

The scripture made another statement here by saying do unto men the same as you wish other to do unto you. This simply signifies the phrase our people says if you do good you will see good and also if you do bad bad is also coming your way. Every good thing we do is for our favor though our good works may take longer before we get the rewards but let's be sure that it's will worth something. Though the vision may tarries but it is for an appointment time we have to wait for it and wait patiently.

Lastly my counsel is that every good master was once a servant there's no adult person that didn't pass through a childhood, things doesn't just happen but it is people that cause it to be. It is good to be good we should try all our possible best to be a good servant where ever we see ourselves.

Thanks for your time

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3 months ago
