Life will teach you a lesson

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10 months ago

Hello friends, how is everything going with you guys, I hope life is treating you guys well?

I'm not really steady now on the site due to my health, it could be the season is affecting me seriously. I started having headache since on Monday and today is Tuesday after I had taken some medicine that was prescribed to me by a physician yet it's seems that I haven't taking anything drugs. I know that is how my system is like. Though I wasn't really brought up in the city. I was brought up in urban area where by we were using traditional herbs to cure ourselves when ever we are sick. I'm really shocked why the English medicine isn't reacting in my system.

I'm writing on this topic because of some experience that life has given me. Life will really teach who so ever a lesson, irrespective of your size and your achievement. Once it's meet you it's will treat you just like it's treat others. A old man of 78 years made s statement while he met me in my office, he said young man how old are you I said I'm 22 years old, and he said just 22 years? I said yes sir and he made a statement that I haven't yet started life. He said that he is 78 years now. And as it may he has passed through so many things that life could offer both the good and the bad. The happy and the sat moment, both sickness and good health.

He asked me do you have problem that you appear in the court of law? I said no good forbid he said know that I shouldn't use such statement, that I shouldn't use God forbid. He said when you say God forbid doesn't it mean that those that are in the prison or those that appears in the court are the most sinful people? He said such is part of life that he has being in the prison for seven good years without doing anything. He said that he use to barbe hair and someone came and charge a stolen phone and he was busy working and when the phone's owner tracked the phone they find out the phone was in his shop and he came with the police and arrested him.

He said before he could said anything they say he should keep quiet that he is a criminal. When they took him to the court and he explain everything to the court and he was told to provide the person that came to charge the phone and the person was no where to be found so they arrested him and jail him for good seven years for doing nothing. He said that life will teach you a lesson you want to know an the ones you didn't expected. He said after serving the government for seven years before he came back he didn't see any of his property. He had to start life afresh. He said they arrested him while he was 19 years and before he came back he 26 years and before then all of his mate had gone over him. Some got married and some built houses, some own many properties.

He said he was feeling so bad to the point he wanted to commit suicide. But he said that he doesn't want to stain his hand with his own blood. He said 70 percentage of those in the prison custody here in my place are innocent because once the government arrest them they will not take out a proper investigation to be sure that the person deserve the punishment they want to give. He said that they only punish the innocent once while those who committed the offense goes free. He said that life has thought him a lesson he will never forget till he died.

When I had this story I was very sat. I really pity the man for going through the penalty that he didn't deserve. Life has taught us a lesson to the extent that people are never to be trusted. In the man's case I don't believe he can trust any body in his life again. And most times I will tell people when you see people with different attitude don't ever blame them because it could be they are acting base on their past experiences. Life is a good teacher it's will teach you both the good and bad so be very careful with people because people have force other people to to live hardly on others.

Thanks for stopping by

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10 months ago


How you write so big articles. I also want to write but I can't write.

$ 0.00
10 months ago

Hmmm, it's just a matter of time...

$ 0.00
10 months ago

I don't agree with what happened to him, that's injustice to imprison a man who had just happened working and know nothing about that da*n phone that maybe placed by someone he "didn't know".

26 is still young while some are just starting their life around 50 those ages below them think life should be always take seriously dramatic. Loosen up and be enlighten by other paradigms.

22 time to explore and plan and hit goals, fail and rise up again, do the same until afterhere. I remember when I was I'll, I had medicines but wasn't able to slept the first days, it's not all about the med, what makes me slept next were massages.

$ 0.00
10 months ago

That's the challenges we are facing here by our government, it will be when the youth gang up to protest against injustice and police brutality the leaders will send out their forces to stop them. We are definitely operating in a bad system of government here.

$ 0.00
10 months ago