tikka kabab

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Avatar for Faiqnisar
3 years ago

Few dishes could possibly have the people of Central Asia welcoming you to eat and enjoy more than Pakistani tikkas. Tikka is a special type of ‘kebab,’ the main thing being that tikka uses larger chunks of marinated meat (kebab meat is usually minced and then seasoned, and formed onto the skewer by hand)

Since back when it was a daily meal of nomadic herders, or one using an ancient Kings’ fatty lambs, all the way to the present day mega-city road-side BBQs – this truly is an Ultimate food of all Humankind.

A fore-most food on the mind of anyone traveling in (or native to) this entire part of the world, the time-less and ever-simple practice eating skewers of chunks of meat cooking over open flame has never, and will never cease to satisfy.

I have been lucky enough to enjoy meat like this in many countries, and Pakistan instantly joins the ranks of the Greats.

Middle-Eastern style kebab in Dubai, in Israel, in Turkey, modern variations served as far East as my own home in Thailand, and then of course most recently in the wonderful city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan; these are all wonderful food memories.

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