The lines of reality

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Avatar for Fahmida12
3 years ago

    This is about a girl who as lost so much and knows everything is going to be alright.

It all started when I was eleven. I lost the one person that I clung to and counted on protecting me. She was my rock, she was my lighthouse leading my ship through a storm. I hated life after that, I hated myself. I lost her when I felt like I needed her the most. She took me in when no one else in my family would. She was a pillar holding our family together. 

     After her death my family  grew apart. Life got difficult. I was such a mess that I built a shrine for my grandmother,  the one person I loved most that has passed from this world and  onto the next. If there is a next that is. After a few years with out her, I was shoved into the system. I went to a group home. I found my brother and we got a foster home together. The foster parents did want me, they wanted my brother so I was tossed aside again like trash. They ruined my relationship with my brother and eventually sent me back into the system. I was sent to a group home that was more like a prison the a home. There was, I believe, six little houses surrounded by a tall brick wall, with only one exit that only the people that work in the office can open. The only time me or any of the other kids got out was for school, doctors appointments, and church. We never got to have freedom like normal kids with a loving family get. We were treated like monsters like we did something wrong. This place was called streetlight. I was bullied, picked on, and had my life threatened while there. I hated it I almost became suicidal but then I started  to go to this therapy horse ranch called reigning grace ranch. The founders soon became my adopted family. I spent five years with them. 

At the age of seventeen my depression only got worse though. I ended up hurting  them and myself. I so became suicidal and that's when I decided I needed to leave them. All I did when I was with them was hurt them, My adopted mother especially. So they took me to my cousin's house and I live with them as long as I could until I left to live in Apache Junction. I fell in love and moved in to a house with my grandfather and things were starting to look up. I had a job doing dishes and almost about to graduate  high school, then I got laid off because of covid 19 and the a week later my grandfather passed away.

It's been a week since then and I'm trying  to push through but he was the last thing connecting me to my childhood with my grandmother. I miss him even though he was emotionally and physically abusive to me. His last word to me were "I love you." 

So now I'm writing stories to make some money to help me with his funeral and to keep my house so I don't end up homeless again. 

$ 0.11
$ 0.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Fahmida12
3 years ago
