Ayurvedic medicines to relieve cough

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Avatar for Fahmida12
3 years ago

Taking 375 milligrams of boiled honey with honey at night or sucking dry grapes and sugar candy in the mouth provides relief in cough.

 Mixing one gram turmeric powder with one spoon of honey and taking it also provides relief in dry cough.

 Finely grind the dry bark of five grams pomegranate, sieve and add a little camphor to it. Cough is cured by drinking this powder mixed with water twice a day.

 If you keep the powder of fennel and sugar candy in the mouth, the cough of hot summer heat is eliminated.

 For the treatment of dry cough, peel a small piece of ginger and sprinkle a little salt on it and suck it.

 Lick 2 grams of black pepper and 1-1 / 2 grams sugar candy or chitopaladi powder with 1-1 gram of honey thrice a day provides relief in cough.

 Make a mixture by mixing 2 teaspoons glycerin and 2 teaspoons honey in lemon juice and taking 1 teaspoon of this mixture daily will give a lot of relief from cough.

 Gargling with a decoction of henna leaves proves beneficial.

 Taking ginger tea also provides relief in cough.

 Chewing cardamom for a long time also relieves cough.

 The use of cloves also provides relief from cough sensation.

 A mixture of clove oil, ginger and garlic relieves the recurring cough that is caused by tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis. Take this mixture every night before bed.

 Mix the essence of basil leaves, ginger and honey and make a mixture, and take it for the treatment of severe cough that has started due to diseases like tuberculosis and bronchitis.

 Figs are very useful for expelling the accumulation of mucus in the chest, and are very helpful in eliminating cough.

 Boil ginger in water for 10-15 minutes and mix one to two spoons of pure honey in it and drink it three to four times a day. By doing this your mucus will keep coming out and you will get benefit in cough.


Stay well.


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3 years ago
