We have all at least had the opportunity to have a glance at a television for a while and with the little ot much time we have spent there, we already know what TV station suites us. It could be about any category news, cartoons, music, documentary, wildlife, history, and many others. Most other people can still argue that it's not all a out the TV channel but the few programs they show at certain times of the day. We certainly all have different choices because of the difference in age. The children will run for cartoons, the adults will run for the classics, while the middle aged will mostly focus on other stuff such as news, music, documentaries, etcetera
It's just natural. TV channels can help us relax our mind especially with shows that are meant to arouse us such as some hilarious superhero movies or reality TV shows.
Although most of us like getting entertained by TV, other few feel it hardly kills their time becuase after a long day of hard work, it's really hard to watch TV channels especially where people are swearing, fighting, killing each other, and cheating. It's really that challenging and one would opt for other ways such as YouTube, where they can really concentrate, learn and earn all at the same.
With that said, what is your favourate TV channel?