How do you manage a sleepless night? 😣

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Avatar for Fahidktk
3 years ago

Hello everyone. How is the day going and how was 2up in general?

We all know the importance of proper sleep can never be underestimated. It goes a long way in influencing the following day and how active we get. I wrote about it earlier but in case you missed it,

It is no news that the Wednesdays after 2up Tuesdays are usually a little dry on the platform with everyone just freestyling and dropping one or two posts 🤣. Well, it is expected, most people uptrennd all day on Tuesdays. 

Me for one hardly feels gingered to do anything after a sleepless night till much later into the day. I just keep lazying around and sleeping at intervals. Ahahahahaha. That is why I try as much as possible to get enough sleep.

My question now is;How do you manage your day after a sleepless night?Better still, how easy is it for you to get back in your super active mood after 2up?

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