Am I getting perfect at it ??

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Avatar for Fahidktk
3 years ago

I guess my photography trials are leading me to perfection as we know that practice makes a man perfect. So my believe in the qoute is getting most religious.

​Similarly when you start capturing you gradually learn different angles to capture and you take interest in finding new ways to make your photograph a more beautiful way. 

​So am I becoming a skilled photographer or the bug in the picture is beautiful to make my capture worth of it.

​I loved capturing this bug and more thanks to this gentle bug that it did not fly while I was making attempts to capture it. I hope you would love the details of the picture. What I found interesting was that how strongly he is holding the plant with his legs and sucking nectar.

$ 0.14
$ 0.14 from @TheRandomRewarder


You can be the best at anything like photography if you will keep practicing and being patient about learning it.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Your photography will get perfection level, by practice, because practice makes a man perfect

$ 0.00
3 years ago