Why did I do it?

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3 years ago

Good morning readers,

Today I will be posting two maybe three articles for you to read. Lucky you! Let's dive in shall we?

Last night someone asked me:

"Why did you make your exes bed every morning when you got out of it?"

I sat and I thought about it. I pondered the question: "why did I do it." then I genuinely questioned myself "why, did, I do it?" then came the"whyyyyyeeee did I doooo it?" because even at the time I didnt feel like he would reciprocate.

At first I came up with the answer "Why not?" which seemed kind of lame because it didnt give an answer it just asked another question. So I thought about it some more. After a lot of thinking and getting emotional I came to this conclusion:

I did it because I wish that someone would do something small like that that would show me a lot of love.

That was my aim to show that I loved him and that I would take the time to just do something nice. Unfortunately, I feel like it reinforced the "women do the housework" attitude he had.

He once told me if we lived together he would "help" with housework, he would "help" with the kids if we had them. This left me feeling like I wasn't dating my future husband I was dating a child that wanted to "help" his mother with the housework.

My father would "help" with the housework and would "help" with me (not really) 3 years ago last month he left us.

I remember thinking well if he still had that attitude when we had kids he can pack his stuff and leave and I will hire a live in nanny. I do not need help with the housework. I do not need help with my kids. What I need is a partner and what my future kids need is a father not a damn baby sitter.

Up next for my posts: introduction to the SCP foundation.

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