Prove them wrong

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Written by
3 years ago

Hello readers of,

I want to ask you a question. When someone doesn't believe in you, or your dreams, does it get you down? Personally, for me sometimes it does. For example, at the end of Year 11 I was supposed to have an academic appointment with two of the best teachers. Instead, it was taken over by another teacher. I was told I wouldn't be suited to University and it devastated me. I will admit my grades were awful but when you are struggling with wanting to die your grades don't matter. I didn't agree to be swept under the rug and this teacher harassed me including taking over from an assigned relief teacher for a lesson. I essentially crawled through year 12 but let's fast forward years later, I'm 23 and I graduated from my first degree in May and am due to graduate from my second in two years. I proved them wrong.

What else? My ex told me I should just focus on "getting a real job" and putting effort into anything else is "a waste of time." Unfortunately for me, I have found it difficult to get a "real" job, especially during the pandemic. So, I figured instead of sitting around doing the bare minimum, why not try and make money in less conventional ways? Slowly but surely I am making a bit of money on the side. It isn't a lot but it is something. This person made me feel like they didn't want me to do it in case it took off and I ended up making more by doing something "easy" than they do working full time. It also felt like they had no faith in me. But, I am proving them wrong too.

Readers of I implore you if someone makes you feel like you can't do something. Or if someone doubts your ability to do something prove them wrong because you can do it... No, not can, you WILL do it. Maybe not today or tomorrow but that's okay it takes time.

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