Normality-is it a lie today too?

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3 years ago

Today I feel like I am normal. I am happy. There is no anger or sadness... There is no crushing dread. The only thing that gets to me is yesterday started out that way. But then 'it' started. I was taking a test and I felt like I knew nothing at all. I started to get anxious because I thought for sure I was going to fail. At the end of the test I realised I had passed (just) but hey P's get degrees as they say. Because of the pass I calmed down a little.

Later I was sitting in the campus library doing some study before class and I was approached by someone and while they were talking to me I got extremely anxious again. After they left I left the campus and decided to go for a walk. That walk dredged up memories both good and bad and it left me feeling overwhelmed. At around 3:25pm I left the city altogether because I was overloaded.

I hope that today doesn't turn out that way too.


Well today didn't turn out like yesterday but I am exhausted and have a headache after completing another experiment in the lab. I was the last student to finish but it didn't bother me it was quite peaceful and I didnt feel panicked or rushed as I usually would if I was the last to leave. There was an issue with me picking up the embryos though I just couldnt get it!

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