Life in Bangkok in the middle of Covid 19.

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

Late Feb to early March news broke out that a boxing stadium in Raminthra road was the ground zero of the disease. The government's actions on this was strict contract tracing from ground zero.

The PM made an announcement instructing people that jobs would be temporarily closed. Going out is prohibited unless buying food. Face masks, face shields, liquid gels, heat sensors, social distancing and contact numbers are needed when entering a shop like 7/11's.

The next day, peace and quiet. No sign of any disobedience. Family heads would go out to buy essentials from a store or at a market around noon. Those entering any establishments would pass through a sprayer, body heat check and liquid gel. Everyone out was wearing face masks and face shields. Social distancing is observed as instructed by the pm.

A few bus would pass by every 15-20 minutes usually empty. No tuk-tuks or songthaews and no people.

Then the numbers of infected stopped to around 3k plus. Infected people quarantined themselves voluntarily.

Movie stars vlogged themselves regularly informing families, friends and fans of their condition.

A lot has suffered financially. But alive.

For some finding work is top priority.

Life ends when you stop.

$ 1.75
$ 1.75 from @TheRandomRewarder


Good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you

$ 0.00
3 years ago