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3 years ago

Due to the lack of mountain conservation and care, the unique beauty of Chittagong is being lost.

The hilly areas, a symbol of natural beauty, are being destroyed. One of the reasons for the imbalance of the natural environment is the indiscriminate cutting of hills. Trees and hills cannot be cut down indiscriminately in the name of urbanization. We have to cut down the hills and grow the city - such thoughts should be avoided. The hills have been cut and leveled to make way for the development of Chittagong. The mountains are cut even in the darkness of night. Various government agencies associated with urban development have not noticed this issue for a long time. Attempts are made by the Department of the Environment, but often cannot be protected. Again in many cases there are ghosts in the top. In the case of development, if the importance is not given to deforestation and hill cutting, the beauty of the city has diminished in the last fifty to sixty years. Sadly, in the case of true urban development, cutting down trees and cutting down hills is not taken into consideration. Chittagong is a city of great beauty, but in the name of development, Chittagong has been degraded indiscriminately by cutting down trees and hills. Chittagong has been deprived. Wherever Chittagong city is growing, there are indiscriminate hills

Being cut, it needs to be stopped. In fact, cutting the hill is not going to stop even without a fine. The nature and environment of Chittagong is at risk as a result of indiscriminate cutting of hills. According to the newspaper, although the hilly area is khas land, the big companies occupy the hills and build heavy industrial factories. Mountain occupants are usually not seen to be punished more than fines. In addition to fines, the Environment Act provides for two separate punishments: conducting raids on mobile courts with the permission of the Cabinet Division and prosecuting the accused in environmental courts. There is a provision of maximum 10 years imprisonment if the allegation of cutting down the hill is proved. But most of the time it is seen that the Department of Environment cannot present enough data evidence to prove the allegations. The accused organization then naturally denied the allegation.

According to experts, mountains cover only 12 percent of Bangladesh's territory. The mountains are very important for the environment. Eighty percent of biodiversity depends on the mountains. If the mountains are cut indiscriminately, the ecological balance will not be maintained in any way. The establishment of heavy industries in remote hilly areas has hampered the flow of water in many parts of the hills. As a result, the indigenous people are falling into a terrible disaster. According to the complaint, brick kilns and settlements are being built in Chittagong by cutting down one hill after another and clearing forests. Low-income people are being rented out by erecting houses with fences on the slopes of the hills.

According to experts, the level of landslides in the hilly areas is also increasing alarmingly as the deforestation in the Chittagong region is increasing. They also said that most of the mountains in our country are sandy soil. As a result of cutting the hill, the flow of rain water is obstructed there. As a result, waterlogging in Chittagong city has improved. A healthy and normal natural environment is essential for us to live well. We all need to be aware of the welfare of all. In the case of urban development, it is important to take steps while maintaining the balance of the natural environment.



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3 years ago
