Do you want to Write an Article?

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2 years ago

Do you want to write an Article?

If you want to start your journey in, here are the things that you need to consider in writing an article. You must know that there are different types of article it includes news article, features, instructional articles, and ect. This articles shared common things but they are different on how they are made. One thing I noticed in is most of the article is an example of featured article. What is a feature article, this type is one of the easiest type of article, you simply explain a certain topic by providing descriptions in a creative way. It this article you can usually cover a person, cryptocurrency, place, a phenomenon and etc. Articles may vary in different ways but you need to consider this guidelines to make a perfect article.

1. Know your Topics

First, you need to make a list of suitable topics that contains a high potential to all the readers. Let say you want to write about Bitcoincash. If you already decide the topic that you want to feature, you need to narrow the topic, know the points that you want to explain. This will give you a specific information on what to write and how your article will flow. Try to ask this question to yourself;

 What made you decide to feature this kind of topic?

 Do you think that it is suitable to all the readers?

 What benefits can readers get in this article?

2. Know Yourself

Second, know yourself first. Don’t act like a trying hard baby bear. Make sure that the topic that you want to feature is something that have a connection to your heart. You should always care and know the topic that you want to write, ask yourself if you have enough knowledge about the topic, ask yourself if you really love this kind of topic. Our passion will drive us in a better direction.

3. Conduct a research

Don’t act like you know everything, technology is everywhere use them wisely. If you already decide on a topic that you want to write. It is important to conduct a research to check if there’s a thing that you need to consider. You can use the internet for your research, a magazine or a newspaper.

4. Consider the basic rules in writing by remembering the proper use of,

 Period

 Comma

 Spelling

 Grammar

Take note an article is one of the source of information, the things that you write will give a certain impact on the readers point of view. Try to use this things properly, if you failed on this part, how can the readers understand the topic that you want to explain.

This is just a basic and easiest way to start your journey, if you really want to write an article use that self-determination to continue. Don’t be discourage, one day you will look down into your feet and you already reach your destination.


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Written by
2 years ago
