Could These Be The Sweetest Creatures In The World?

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2 years ago
Topics: Spiders, Cuties, Life war, Animals, Poison, ...

How would you like to meet the cutest and sweetest creatures in the world? Yes, these creatures may be the most amazing creatures in the world according to some animal lovers. Of course, not everyone has to agree. For most of us, these creatures are the kind of creatures we wouldn't want to dream about, let alone be cute.

However, let's not forget that they are also a part of this world and are fighting for their lives.

Six-Eyed Killer

The six-eyed sand spider lives in South Africa and prefers to hide under stones or among the roots of trees. The 6-eyed sand spider is not afraid of anyone. He just prefers to work quietly and cautiously. Just like a professional killer… According to scientific studies, this spider's venom is the most dangerous venom known. It destroys body and blood cells like sulfuric acid. It causes blood cell problems and fragmentation. Moreover, there is no antidote. However, there are only 2 cases of attacks as this spider species is very shy but these attacks are not officially recorded. So don't bother this little boy.

Sydney Funnel Web Spider

Sydney Funnel Web spider lives in Australia. This creature is truly evil and all he wants is to hurt you. The Sydney Funnel Web spider has entered the Guinness Book of Records as the world's most venomous spider, as the sand spider has no official attack record. This spider doesn't need a reason to attack. It stands on its hind legs and shows its fangs. If you do not leave the area in time, it will bite you repeatedly. Yes, this bloodthirsty beast attacks multiple times. Moreover, it has a deadly poison. Therefore, you may need to seek emergency help after an attack.

Brown Retreat Spider

This creature is common in the Eastern parts of the United States. This spider likes to live near human settlements. Although its legs are huge compared to its body, this spider is only 6 to 20 millimeters long and is not easy to find. The little painless bite of the Brown Retreat spider may go unnoticed, but the consequences will be unpleasant. It is one of the most venomous members of the spider family. The enzymes that make up the poison cause tissue death and the wound grows slowly. If you do not get help in time, the wound can grow up to 25 centimeters in diameter. In this case, it takes 6 months to heal. If subcutaneous tissues are affected, it may take up to 3 years to fully heal. This spider lives close to the area where humans live. So if you don't want to spend much time with the disease, carefully check your clothes, shoes and bedding. These are popular hiding places among spiders.

Black Widow

The menacing image of this predator is known to everyone. When you see him, it would be best to try to escape immediately. The venom of these tiny spiders is unusually strong. This venom contains neurotoxins. For children and the elderly, this is fatal. Even adults may not survive the attack. In just half an hour, the victim begins to feel very severe pains that begin in the limbs and progress to the chest and abdomen. The pain felt is followed by severe cramps, panic and difficulty in breathing. Worst of all, there is no way to alleviate the symptoms. Moreover, these symptoms can last for at least 12 hours.

Don't forget to thoroughly check your bed and linens before going to bed tonight :)

Please indicate in the comments which spider species you like the most.

Photos from Google.

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Avatar for Ezelazra3
2 years ago
Topics: Spiders, Cuties, Life war, Animals, Poison, ...


They are cute indeed hahaha.. The six-eyed killer is so dangerous but it is not its fault.😊 It looks amazing. Nature is amazing.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, they are also a part of nature and they are struggling to survive. I think they are very cute :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago