Hope of the Star

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Avatar for Ezeferanmi1.
3 years ago

Among the stars, there could be stars that could bring a fortune.

A long lasting moment of dreams could be lifted up, showing it wings across the gallery of fallen stars.

Emotions could sprung up at anytime,

Showing it full force. It could be love, happiness, joy or a upline full of life.

Dangerous joy, love are every where. Full of people of bad visions towards you.

Getting your self together and setting your star in the right path is what should be done firstly before anyone else do that for you.

A beautiful wing could take you anywhere you don’t imagine to be,

Upholding the gifts the star gave to you may get into pits, dungeons, hiding caves but what comes out of it is purer than what it gave to you.

The power to bring out a beauty out of the star.

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