Light the last beacon

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3 years ago

In a dark maze, you are lost. I'm given you ten bright lights. You lighted nine of them, and all the oil of the nine lamps was used up. At this time, you have not found a way out.

There is only one beacon left, turn it on or not?

Mia said, of course, it must be lit, and only when it is lit, can you find a way out. Yona said, since I can’t find a way out after I clicked nine lights, I might not find a way after I clicked the tenth one, so why bother to order it again? If even the oil of the last lamp is gone, people must be desperate at this time, and they will never have the persistence and courage to get out of the maze again. Keeping the tenth beacon is equivalent to leaving a bit of courage for one's own way out and a bit of hope for survival.

Both seem to have a bit of truth. So, how do you choose?

Mother once told me such a story. There is a farmer who has planted a lot of rice fields, so every year his family has to keep a few tens of grains for the next year's cultivation. There was a severe drought one year, and the farmers had almost no harvest. The family couldn’t open the pot anymore. The family planned to grind the grain to grow grain to satisfy their hunger. But the farmer resolutely refused to tell his family: “I would rather starve to death than eat grain. It's our hope in the future!" As a result, the family starved to death, but the few loads of grain remained unchanged.

Many times, in life, we always look forward and backward, and hesitate to move forward. We always feel that we are far from success and bright. At this time, you should ask yourself: Do you still have some grain reserves in your hands that are still reluctant to use? Did you light all the lights in your hand?

Rather than racking his brains on the distant and ethereal future, it is better to walk the road ahead. Use those food reserves, you will survive; light the last beacon, and you may find a way out for success. There is no doubt that no matter what you do, you must go all out!

$ 0.45
$ 0.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Explorers
3 years ago
