"The United States seems to have given up Corona 19 response."

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Points out that "increasing the number of patients allowed" to expand US economic restart

(San Francisco = Yonhap News) Correspondent Seong-Ho Jeong = A report from the Washington Post (WP) said on the 19th (local) Time) reported.

In the United States, all 50 states are accelerating the resumption of economic activity, while Corona19 is spreading around the states of the South and West, including California, Texas, and Florida, which have the highest populations.

Then, WP said that health professionals abroad who succeeded in reducing new patients in Corona19 were watching the United States with anxiety and unbelief.

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They wonder why US states hit by Corona19 continue to expand economic resumption and scientists' advice is often ignored.

"It feels like the US has given up," said Suzy Wiles, an epidemic expert at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.

"I know it's not safe, but I can't imagine what it's like to go to work. It's hard to know how this will end. More people will get infected, more people will die," he added.

In Europe, which has dampened the spread of Corona 19, there are voices of concern over the US response.

A German public broadcaster posted an article on the homepage titled "Did the US give up fighting the coronavirus?" and Swiss conservative newspaper Neuer Zücher Zeitung said, "The United States tolerates an increase in the number of Corona 19 (patients). "I diagnosed.

The newspaper wrote of a crowded crowd of American beaches and swimming pools on the Memorial Day weekend and wrote, "One thing I can say for sure: it doesn't surprise me when this happens."

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Some health experts in Europe are concerned that the growing number of corona19 patients in the United States is rooted in the conclusions of key scientists and sometimes the White House's response to a different route.

Professor Thomas Gerlinger of Bielefeld University in Germany said, "It seems that many scientists (in the United States) initially had an adequate assessment of the situation."

For example, Professor Gerlinger took a long time to expand his testing capabilities.

"I don't understand the logic," said Reinhard Vice, a professor at the Berlin Institute of Technology.

It is also pointed out that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which should have taken the forefront of Corona 19 response, was unable to play its part due to the White House interference.

"As with many other sectors in our country, the ability of the CDC to function properly has been severely undermined by the White House's enthusiasm," said Professor Mark Lipsic of Harvard University.

There are observations that this damage will be difficult to recover. "I've always considered CDC as a reliable source of information," said Wildes at the University of Auckland. "No more."

The action taken by China in recent weeks is also sharply contrasted with the United States, the WP said.

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When more than 150 outbreaks occurred in the capital city of Beijing, authorities blocked the area and began large-scale inspections.

On the other hand, President Donald Trump maintains that he cannot close the United States again.

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I think this also did contribute to the surge in cases

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3 years ago