The best actors in terms of film history

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Stars who excel in Korea often receive an amount beyond their imagination by appearing once. Hollywood stars boast incredible ransom beyond them. In addition, it is said that if the work is shown around the world, the guarantee is added, and it is said that it will earn money to survive and survive. If so, let's find out about Hollywood stars who have won the best contributions in the movie.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp is a Hollywood actor who has buzzed the world in divorce suits in recent years. Johnny Depp comes up with a lot of hits and masterpieces. Among them, I think the work that represents him is definitely the'Pirates of the Caribbean' series. It is said that Johnny Depp's contribution is enormous, as all the series of'Pirates of the Caribbean' have been loved worldwide.

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Johnny Depp received about 22 billion won as a fuel for the first episode, Pirates of the Caribbean-Curse of Black Pearl. Subsequently, he received about 55 billion won in the 4th <Pirates of the Caribbean: The Unfamiliar Bird> and about 100 billion won in the 5th <Pirates of the Caribbean: The Dead Have No Words>. In addition, I earned a huge amount of money even if I picked one piece, such as running guarantees and toy imports from Disney.

Will Smith

Will Smith once again announced his presence in the recent films Aladdin and Bad Guys: Forever. The mid-2000s was the heyday of Win Smith. In particular, he became very popular with the'Man in Black' series and became a global star. In particular, Will Smith earned tremendous profits that exceeded the earnings of previous works through <Man in Black 3>.

Will Smith, who has been blank for a while, will once again enjoy his prime with <Man in Black 3>. At the time, <Man in Black 3> suffered several problems, such as rewriting the script at a high production cost and stopping production. However, since its opening, it has been successful in the world, earning nearly 700 billion won. As a result, he said he received more than 110 billion won by combining fuel and several guarantees.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock is an actress who won the Academy Award for Best Actress in the movie <Blind Side>. The next appearance was <Gravity>. Originally, the role of Dr. Stone was said to have been cast by Angelina Jolie first, but declined due to the issue of fuel. However, the Oscar-winning Sandra Bullock was not without difficulty.

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It was said that at the time, Sandra Bullock received about 22 billion dollars in fuel alone. In addition, they signed a contract to receive 15% of the world's revenue and a portion of the additional copyright. After opening, <Gravity> succeeded with tremendous box office profits, and Sandra Bullock received an additional amount of money in addition to the outgoing fuel, earning nearly 120 billion won.

Robert Downey Jr

This actor cannot be overlooked when discussing Hollywood stars' earnings. This is the eternal'Iron Man' Robert Downey Jr. It is now called MCU's national publicity, but at the time of the first episode of <Iron Man>, his contribution was only 500 million won. However, since then, the film has been awarded 100 times more.

Since the time of <Iron Man 3>, Robert Downey Jr. began to receive over 50 billion won in fuel. In particular, <Avengers: Infinity War> has made a tremendous amount of revenue to be ranked fourth in the world. At the time, the sum of the guarantees and the amount of money received by Robert Downey Jr. amounted to 126 billion won. In addition, it is said that the profits of <Avengers: Endgame>, which ranked fifth in the world, are equal to this.

Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis is still one of the best action actors still active. In particular, with the success of the'Die Hard' series in the 90s, his ransom was soaring. At that time, the officials of the movie <Six Sense> begged Bruce Willis for a huge amount.

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<Six Sense> is a horror film, but it is a work that has been recognized for its popularity as well as performance. At the time, the production cost of 50 billion won was collected and more than 750 billion won were collected. Among them, it is said that the amount received by Bruce Willis, including contributions and guarantees, exceeds approximately 130 billion won.

Keanu Reeves

Keanu Reeves is a well known actor in the'Matrix' series and the'John Wick' series. Since he is an actor who has been enjoying his prime since his debut, the profit he earned is also great. Among them, Keanu Reeves earned the revenue of <Matrix 2-Reloaded>, which is the highest profit among all Hollywood stars.

The revenue earned by Keanu Reeves in the 3rd series of'The Matrix' amounts to 300 billion won. Among them, <Matrix 2-Reloaded> makes a huge profit by the worldwide box office. As a result, Keanu Reeves earned approximately 15 billion won as a contribution, and received a tremendous amount of box office guarantees, earning a total of more than 140 billion won.

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Johnny Depp is the best

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3 years ago

I love pirates of carribean it's my all time favorite movie

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3 years ago