Summer is hard to get to a cafe...Home-made home cafe recipe

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Whatever you feel when you can't go to'Cafe ☕', which has gone in and out of my home due to social distance, you live in an era where everything is delivered. There is a delivery fee 만큼 as much as the price of coffee. Even if I want to replace ice americano with instant coffee, I give up drinking coffee because I know my future by shaking my head and saying'It's not like' after tasting a bite.

In this case, the'home cafe' is more earnest. Even for the coffee scent and cafe atmosphere that I want to enjoy at home, I'd like to have my own cafe at home somehow, but I'm not sure what to start with.

If you're staring at my room to see if you're going to do it right, you can't even imagine the feeling of home cafes on Instagram and trendy home cafes. The dream home cafe looks like pretty coffee utensils laid out on white-tone furniture, but the white furniture is yellow rather than a wall that can be photographed (no difference from reality 👀).

So, I asked the 29STREET editorial team and IKEA for a helping hand. 29STREET asked for a space rental and IKEA to sponsor a product. When I tried to do a home cafe, my homeowner's mother kicked me out and told me to go out. I also told IKEA about the verse, so you supported coffee products and actively participated in the event double 

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Yes totally agree

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3 years ago