Scientific reasons why dogs are the best companions of humans

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Scientific reasons have proven that dogs are the best companions of humans. This is from the latest issue of the International Journal of The Journal of Neuroscience on the 2nd.

University of Arizona psychologist Daniel Hossler and Harvard neuroscientist Erin Hecht led the team and conducted brain MRI tests on 62 dogs of 33 breeds.

As a result of the test, the developing brain region was different depending on the breed of dog. For example, Doberman, whose breed was improved by police dogs, and boxer of German origin developed parts related to vision and smell.

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In dogs whose breeds were improved by fighting dogs, areas related to fear, stress, and anxiety were less developed.

The researchers focused on the development of different brain regions between hounds. Some varieties hunt mainly by sight, while others mainly use olfactory sense.

Hunting dogs with this sense of smell or vision do not need to be taught separately. It means that a dog whose breed is improved as a hunting dog is already born with hunting ability.

"Humans have been changing dog breeds for a long time," the researchers said. "This is the same result as changing the dog's brain structure." This made it possible to create a close relationship between humans and dogs.” 

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"This study is for real dogs, not real police dogs or fighting dogs," said Hecht. "It's surprising that these differences exist in the brain."

He added, "Humans have a profound effect on changes in the structure of the dog's brain."

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The man's best friend

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3 years ago