Review Erma APP

2 17

Mr. Cho said he liked to create and study new things since childhood. During his school days, he attended the Seoul Gifted Education Center, where he made robots and solar cars and studied atomic structures. In addition, he learned IoT (Internet of Things) technology at the Seoul Science Museum for two years to make products that utilize it.

“The nickname was science gifted. From a young age, I liked to make ideas real. In college, I majored in Internet Information and learned computer science, such as software program development. When I was in the third year of college, I created a startup club. I wanted to improve the inconvenience by using technology and create a good service. As a club activity, I planned a product called Smart Plant. Using IoT technology, a sign is put in a pot so that the condition of the soil or plants can be checked directly from the mobile phone. You can know when to water, if the plants are growing well, etc. With this idea, in 2015, K-Global Digital Contents Lab hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning won 20 million won in funding for development. Although it was successful in development, it was not commercialized due to the high cost of mass production.

After graduating from school, I worked for 2 years as a faculty member of my alma mater's computer room at the recommendation of a professor. It was fun finding and supplementing the missing points in the current system. We also created a teaching and learning center team and a task force (TF) team to develop an LMS (learning management system), an e-learning platform for online lectures at universities. We created real-time statistics management, such as management of enrollment, evaluation, progress rate management, and collected and analyzed learner behavior.

I was contacted because I wanted to use my undergraduate system developed by various universities. I decided to start a business because I thought there was business. In April 2018, MindLink Soft was established. After the foundation, we advanced the development of e-learning platform. Since then, we have established an integrated online learning management system such as Korea Welfare University. In addition, we have developed a'university publicity channel' that promotes through posters, videos, and entrance materials of universities, and'Peanut', which includes lunch menus and community functions in elementary, middle and high schools nationwide. I benefited from outsourcing SI (meaning system integration, system planning, development, construction, operation, etc.).

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This is nice ...good one

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice review gained more knowledge thanks

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3 years ago