"Organizing pet companionship?" Controversial'dogs are great' Kobe's past SNS post

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The conversation is a comment on the photo that Mr. A uploaded three years ago. He said, "It's a very pretty baby." He showed affection for the cat he met at the beauty salon.  

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In response to this, Mr. A's acquaintances followed. The problem is that the content is not unusual. I guess there have been several pet abandonments already. 

One acquaintance sent a message of rebuke, saying, "Are you going to throw it away again?" 

A who saw this said, "I'm working hard on the pre-sale site," and explained, "This is not a puppy." 

The acquaintance raised the suspicion of abandoning the pet by saying, "Where did the child go to last time?" 

Mr. A said, "I'm taking off my energy before I even sell it." 

The acquaintance continued the shocking revelation, saying, "It seems that there are only about five dogs you abandoned." 

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A year ago, in 2016, Mr. A said he wanted to raise a hamster. The acquaintances raised doubts by leaving comments such as "It's another beginning" and "The obvious story begins". 

Previously,'The Dog Is Great', which was aired on the 22nd, introduced the story of the border collie species Kobe and marsupial dog breeder. 

At that time, Gongju had been worried about wanting to fix Kobe's quality. The situation was not good for raising two border collies. Even Kobe was constantly harassing marten.

Eventually, Kang Hyung-wook suggested to Gyeonju to send the sable to another place. The training was stopped for the first time in broadcasting history as the dog owner refused. 

After that, the mother and daughter of the dog visited the training center with Kobe, but it was controversial with an attitude that ignored Kang's advice. 

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This is Good

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3 years ago

Great article

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3 years ago