"I didn't believe it, but unexpected results came out."

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Modern people quickly become tired from the stress they receive during school, work, and social life. It is not easy to relieve fatigue even if you take nutritional supplements or take a break on the weekends. However, most people regard fatigue as a mild symptom and pass it insignificantly.

However, if you let go of the slight fatigue, the severity increases, and it takes longer to recover to normal condition. So, what are some easy ways to relieve fatigue? Today, let's take a quiz to learn about various ways to relieve fatigue by simply pressing on the body part.

Computer workers, computers, and smartphones who work a lot all day long will see fatigue in their eyes. At this time, if you give a good acupressure method for eye fatigue, it has the effect of removing eye fatigue and clearing the eyes. At this time, pressing around the eyes can be said to be the key.

The end of the eyebrows and the ends of the corners of the eye are called'sun blood'. Solar blood is located between the ears and eyes, so it is often referred to as gwananol.

There are areas famous for stiffening muscle fatigue. This is the place where the first thumb of the opposite thumb is placed between the thumb and forefinger, and it is called'hapgok-hyeol'. Even if you massage this area within 10 seconds, the stiff muscles are released, and even when the muscles are stiff due to the cold, press 1 to 2 minutes to lighten the body. In addition, it helps with fatigue caused by exercise or physical labor and is also good for indigestion.

Unlike the above-mentioned Hapgok-hyeol, there are some areas that are mainly effective for mental fatigue. It is'Taechunghyeol'. Taechunghyeol refers to the indentation of the instep between the two toes of the big toe and index toe. It is known that clicking here will revitalize people tired of fatigue and stress. When you feel tired, use your fingers or acupressure sticks repeatedly to feel a little painful.

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The first thing to unite on a tired and stressed day is the shoulder. The muscle on this shoulder is the trapezius. The trapezius muscle is also called a stress muscle, and it is also a muscle from which fatigue begins. Therefore, the trapezius muscle is very important to relieve fatigue.

In particular, if you feel your neck and shoulders are heavy, releasing the trapezius, which is widely located on the back, shoulders, and back of the neck, is effective in relieving fatigue. Using the middle finger and index finger to squeeze the trapezius area tightly, the muscles on the shoulders are released, which relieves fatigue and is also effective in preventing colds.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the ears, as well as the hands and feet, are a collection of acupuncture points that are called miniatures of the human body. Therefore, when the body is tired, acupressure of the ears helps relieve fatigue. Particularly,'Yeungpohyeol' located at the recessed point behind the earlobe helps circulation of blood to the head and is effective in alleviating symptoms such as headache, fatigue, dizziness, and tinnitus. It is good to press or rub for 30 seconds with the end of the index finger.

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Thanks for sharing such information

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3 years ago

Nice this is good thanks for sharing

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3 years ago