Air Force'It was not a preference but a consideration'… Controversial questions

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At the heart of the controversy, the point of the investigation is that the'chaebol son' is a soldier who needs'conscientious consideration' rather than a preferential soldier, as published in the Blue House petition. 

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The Air Force announced on the 24th the results of an inspection investigation into various preferential suspicions raised against Corporal A of the 3rd Brigade under the Bang Yu-Do Command.

The suspicion of the emperor's soldiers was announced to the world on the 11th of this month, when a bulletin board was published on the bulletin board of the Blue House, ``I expose the secret acts of the Air Forces of Geumcheon-gu''. The controversy has grown even more when it was confirmed that Corporal A's father was the former Vice Chairman of the former Nice Group. 

In the article, the petitioner said, “Our troops are trying to expose certain privileges to certain soldiers because of their parents' powers and to expose them to condolences.” Five suspicions were raised, such as requesting the actual repair work and assigning special benefits to Δ units. 

However, when the Air Force headquarters dispatched a dedicated inspection team to the unit and conducted investigations for over 10 days, the majority of allegations turned out to be untrue. 

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In summary, Air Force officials explained that Corporal A has had difficulties in military life since he was assigned to the 3rd Brigade headquarters in September last year. He has delivered his laundry to his parents using visiting time because it is difficult to use a public washing machine due to a skin disease. The visit to the laundry came from time to time, not only on weekends, but also during the week, military officials explained. 

Corporal A suffered further difficulties in military service after the corona 19, when visits were banned from February 22 this year. Accordingly, it was found that the department's executives (sergeant) delivered laundry to their parents 13 times from March to May of this year to solve the difficulties.

An official of the Air Force said, "I think there is a part that violates the regulations in good faith for a difficult soldier." 

The head of the department's Finance Division, 3rd Brigade, said he knew the difficulty of Corporal A. This is because his parents called from time to time saying,'Please take care of me.' Corporal A was first diagnosed with skin disease at a private hospital in December last year. Subsequently, until June of this year, I went out to the outpatient clinic with approval from the head of the department nine times.

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An official of the Air Force said, "Sergeant A is dwarfed and has a weak physique." 

The Air Force said that it was also a measure taken in accordance with the suspicion of using a single dormitory. Corporal A is said to have had a conflict with fellow soldiers over the cooling temperature in the summer residence hall. The unit initially did not approve the use of a single room, but was temporarily allowed to use Corporal A's single dormitory from the beginning of this month, according to a doctor's statement that'it requires two weeks of observation of air-conditioning and depression'. 

Eventually, if you listen to the military's explanation based on the contents of the inspection, you will conclude that it is'careful rather than preferential'. An Air Force official explained that most troops didn't even know who Corporal A's father was.

In addition, two suspicions such as request for repair of the Δ shower room and assignment of preferential Δ units were found to be wrong from the facts. According to the Air Force, the repair of the unit's shower room was made under the direction of the former brigade commander, not the Corps of Corporal A. It was also confirmed that the brigade commander had never met or spoke to her parents. 

The suspicion that Corporal A was preferentially assigned to the current unit is no longer true. This is because the Air Force soldiers are self-deployed according to their'special education grades' as well as their wishes. Even if you want to deploy a certain unit, it is impossible if you have a competitor with a higher score than you.

The Air Force bowed its head, saying, "I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the public to the public regarding the allegations of preferences raised through the national petition." In addition, it announced that it would implement countermeasures against recurrence by confirming problems such as inadequate command supervision of soldiers and inadequate work performance due to regulations and procedures. 

However, some questions remain regarding the military's final judgment,'It is not a preference.' It is a question of what level of consideration for soldiers with physical disabilities should be achieved and what criteria are considered to be preferences. 

In addition, why the consideration focused only on Corporal A, and whether there was no cost in this process, is a homework to be solved by military police in the future.

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It's nice to know this information

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3 years ago

Good one keep it up

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3 years ago