150,000 confirmers per day, the largest ever… WHO corona pandemic warning

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According to Reuters on the 19th (local time), WHO said that 150,000 new corona19 confirmed cases occurred within one day of the day. He also explained that about 50% of these occurred in the Americas.

This is the first time that the daily confirmers have exceeded 150,000. Corona 19 confirmed the number of 100,000 people per day in June, but even surpassed 150,000 on that day. In particular, corona is spreading rapidly around South America and South Asia.

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◇ New risk stages around the world: WHO secretary-general, Tewardos Adhanom Gerberus, said in a virtual briefing at the headquarters, "The whole world is in a new dangerous stage." The Corona19 virus is still spreading rapidly, and is still fatal, "It's still easy to spread to other people."

According to the World Statistical Site, World Omter, on the 19th (local time), the number of corona19 infected worldwide was 873,5889, and the death toll was 46,215,21.

◇ Soaring in South America and South Asia: Governor Yeosu has urged people to maintain social distance and take "extremely vigilant." "There are a growing number of new cases of infection not only in South America and the Americas, but also in South Asia," he added.

◇ Beijing Corona European type: Meanwhile, WHO Deputy Secretary for Emergency Preparedness, Michael Ryan said, "It seems to have been introduced from Europe" in connection with the incident of a corona19 group infection in Beijing, China.

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This was a sad development

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3 years ago