Christians:A Plank in my Eye

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2 years ago

We always hear of the words, "how can you remove a speck in someone's eye whilst paying no attention to a Plank in your eye? "

Noticing an error in someone is the most easiest thing to do, avoiding is somewhat difficult. It's what we humans do and we seem to enjoy it.

I've had numerous friends coming to me and advising how I should have reacted to certain issues. Their advice is always important to me. Others do it genuinely, helping me be in the right track. For others, it's their usual thing, something they can't avoid doing.

For some people it is difficult to let go of even the littlest thing you may have done. They always try to show concern all the time. It's important, but I feel not always necessary.

We humans are bound to err at some point, and we will need someone to advise us. But sometimes we get advise or admonition from people whose character is questionable. This is where the Plank story comes in. Indeed to control someone, we always need to self introspect and see if we are the perfect ones to condemn, or even give advice.

Sometimes we see a speck in someone's eye and hurriedly want to remove it, little do we know that actually the speck is non existent, it is the reflection of the Plank in our eyes. The moment we clear this Plank from our eyes, then we shall clearly see in other people's eyes.

It is important to not judge anyone no matter their situation. Others need our love, sympathy and presence then the speck in their eye will be gone. But if we rush to judge them, well it becomes a different story altogether.

Let us build one another not in our likeness, but of Christ our true redeemer and saviour. Remaining focused to doing right and carrying one another's hand.

May this word encourage us always.



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