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Avatar for Euros-Gillecroid
3 years ago

Life is full of stories. In fact, life itself is a book. A good book has broken pages, folded ones, faded inks by the passing of time. It has scars that marks its tragic past but is remembered with its glorious moment. It is the book’s way of refinement as that of gold and silver being refined by fire. There are no stars without scars. Hence, your scars are your stars. It is also a manuscript in which a master novelist is on the process of making his masterpiece. We played the role of a protagonist and is constantly battling multifold complications but as portrayed in the dissonance, we end up overcoming them. Indeed, life takes a few stops, a few downturns, and numerous providences, a lot of recursions and in order to be rid of its constant importunity an author is determined to give a page to it. Well, what good is a dish without spices? What good is a samurai without his sword? The army use guns. Broadcasters use their microphones to forward their cause. Artists use their songs and arts to tell stories. They use these tools for expressions, to speak loudly and be heard. In my case, let me take the liberty to express mine like a novelist who use their pens to tell a story.

As we look back to those past moments of our lives, we tend to linger on the moment when we are being treated like a wallflower. It may sound like a clichĂ©, but believe me, we possess the power of invisibility. We tried to speak up, voice out our point of view, but of what use? We are denied, often times vehemently. It is normal for us to have a heavy argument with our siblings. In my case, my older sister. We tend to argue even on small, trivial matters how much more on big, consequential ones? Often times she never lend me an open ear to hear my views. She always imposes our hierarchical birth. She always say and I quote, “I’m your older sister, show some respect.” It doesn’t mean that when I talk back, I mean disrespect. I just needed to vent out my feelings too. Is that a crime against family canons? What about my own grievances? Will it not be heard just because of me, being the last born? The unfairness of this world. But then, as we grew matured, we tend to argue less and discuss things over the food casually and more like naturally. We didn’t linger more on disagreeable topics that will lead to further misunderstandings. We settled our differences in a more thorough manner than it was before.

When we possess the power of invisibility, we also hold saliency for how many moments in our life. It’s like yin and yang. The negativity is paired with the same amount of positivity. An equal amount on each of the opposite extremes. When we feel like nobody cares for our voice, there are those times that our voice is essential at that opportune moment. Like I said earlier, it is normal in a family to have a misunderstanding. Like most of the couples do. They fight and made up. It is of most natural recurrence in our daily lives. There are times that my parents argue on something substantial. I don’t know why but I always tend to witness or hear their arguments unintentionally. I’m not being nosy of course. But sometimes in their arguments they end it up by not getting freedom from disquieting thoughts or emotions. By my regards, both of them have faults and good acclaims at the same time but they don’t come around with the same conclusion. When the raging tempest is over, I slowly approached my ma and asked her what is was all about even though I had already an inkling idea on what’s going on. The good thing is she opens up and narrates the things all over again. As a moderator, I shared my opinion, voiced it out, gave my adjuration and gladly it was being valued. Sometimes, it takes a little piece of mind to loosen up a redoubtable anima. As what Mulan had said and I quote, “Four ounces can move a thousand pounds.”

When there are times that our voices was denied and valued, there are also those crucial times that we ourselves tend to deny someone else’s voice. In my case, it was during my third year in college. Title hearing for our research paper was fast approaching. We need to decide on what topic should we present on. So we held our group meeting. Members were very much eager to share their ideas and notions for a possible research topic. Every time they share their ideas, I always say, “Obsolete” or “it is out of this world”. Discomfort and disappointments were clearly written in their faces. Then I ask myself, “Was I too harsh?”, “Did my conceit get the better of me?”. After a few deafening silence, I speak out my reasons why. I just told the truth even if it displeases them. Why I always said it was obsolete? Not because their ideas were dope, actually truth be told they were brilliant but the sad fact is that studies were already published with the same ideas they solicited. Why I told them it was out of this world? It’s because the ideas were beyond our capabilities. We need to consider the important aspects such as money, time, and equipment needed to carry out the study, the availability of the materials or chemicals needed and so on. They were dumbfounded at first but they broke a smile and said, “Why, you're right”.

Life has its ups and downs. Voices can be denied or valued. This is the reality. Not all will accept your ideas here and then. But be of good cheer for someone or somebody else out there will value your voice. As in Deuteronomy 1:38, the bible says “Encourage him”. God employs his people to encourage one another. Our voice can be a medium of encouragement. As a preacher, or to anybody else’s, we should labor to help others, and especially strive to encourage them. We should voice out the strength that dwells in God, of the sureness of the promise, and of the charms of the communions of Christ. Speak a word in season to him that is weary, and encourage those who are fearful to go on their way with gladness. Christ encourages us as He points to the heaven He has won for us!

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Avatar for Euros-Gillecroid
3 years ago
