Grammatical mistakes is never a barrier or bad thing but it is what we need to pay more attention to. When we speak or write there are some words that can be confusing. Since English language is not our mother's tongue we are bound to make mistake along the way
Sometimes we know what exactly to say but how to say it might appear difficult. I have made countless mistakes but I never allow myself to be let down.
Here are some of the common errors in English language.
You're taking it personal ❌
You're taking it personally ✔
He is matured ❌
He is mature ✔
He has matured ✔
The reason is Because ❌
The reason is that
My stuffs ❌
My stuff
Night vigil ❌
Vigil ✔
Traveling bag ❌
Travel Bag ✔
As at when due ❌
As and when due ✔
Be rest assured ❌
Rest assured ✔
I'm hearing you ❌
I can hear you ✔
My names are ❌
My name is ✔
All manners of ❌
All manner of ✔
She delivered a baby boy ❌
She was delivered of a baby boy ✔
Lacking behind ❌
Lagging behind ✔
Crack your brain ❌
Rack your brain ✔
Return it back ❌
Return it ✔
Nigeria comprises of 36 states ❌
Nigeria comprises 36 states ✔
Nigeria is comprised of 36 states ✔
Wake keeping ❌
Wake keep ❌
Wake ✔
Exercise patience ❌
Be patient ✔
Barbing saloon ❌
Barber shop
I forgot my phone at home ❌
I left my phone at home✔
Borrow me your pen ❌
Lend me your pen ✔
May I borrow your pen ✔
More grease to your elbow ❌
More power to your elbow ✔
Funny enough, I've never liked him ❌
Funnily enough, I've never liked him ✔
My body is scratching me ❌
My body itches
Letterhead paper ❌
Letterhead ✔
I'm not your mate ❌
We're not mates
You're mannerless ❌
You're ill-mannered ✔
Horn at the car in front ❌
Honk at the car in front
Happy birthday in arrears ❌
Happy belated birthday ❌
Belated happy birthday ✔
Hope u learnt alot make sure u comment and like thank u
Very helpfull Correct ways of speaking English language
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