physical fitness

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1 year ago
Topics: Fitness, Life, Work, Goal, Lesson, ...

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Staying fit to me is not only when you gym or do exercise every day though doing all that is part of staying fit but if we are talking about staying fit that should start from how we take care of our health because someone that doesn't have good health can't stay fit completely they can only try to but they are not fit.

This makes me remember when I wanted to work in a factory some years back I was told to do a physical fitness checkup and I should bring the test results, I didn't understand what that means then so I went home then start doing some exercise every day just to keep fit and stay strong.

When I got back to the factory the supervisor told me that it was a medical checkup to see if there is anything wrong with my body system because the factory produces food and anyone that will work there must be physically and medically fit.

Before I use to think that if I want to stay fit I must go to the gym and do some exercise with it but then I realized that taking care of our health is also fitness, so what did I do to take care of my health?

* I stay away from depression because of its negative impact on mental and physical fitness,

I have been through it a lot of times in the past and it made everything about my fitness deteriorate really quickly.

You can't be depressed and be fit because staying depressed can be draining, it consumes energy and leaves us unmotivated to do anything.

* I rest very well as well now to stay fit because every human body needs it and I wish I knew earlier.

When I was working, resting is not my thing. I work overtime just because of money but little did I know that the money was useless. After some time, I started falling sick and even drugs didn't work for me until doctors insist that all I needed was rest.

Today, I am a boss of my own and I don't allow anything to interfere with my rest time because I can't be fit if I don't have proper rest.

* I eat healthy food because even if you are fit and you keep eating unhealthy food it can affect your fitness.

* I don't do exercise because am too lazy about it so instead of that I make use of my house chores to exercise by doing it until I sweat to burn some calories out of my body, my work as a hairstylist is another exercise entirely because am always on my fit from morning till night and by the time I get back home all I do is boil warm water deep my leg in it then massage it for like 5minutes so that my body will be fit for another day work.

I don't do much to keep fit but I try my best to make sure my health is fit to have physical fitness.

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Avatar for Esthery97
1 year ago
Topics: Fitness, Life, Work, Goal, Lesson, ...


I don't exercise coz I'm lazy too lol and now it's too cold to walk outside. Now I just keep eating and laughing 🤣

$ 0.00
1 year ago

LoL 😂 we have something in common

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1 year ago