The daily devotion

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*🙏The Word Daily Devotion 🙏*

(Global Evangelical Church)


👉(Reading: Nehemiah 9:20-28)

🗓Friday, August 7

📜But as soon as they were at rest, they again did what was evil in your sight. Then you abandoned them to the hand of their enemies so that they ruled over them. And when they cried out to you again, you heard from heaven, and in your compassion you delivered them time after time *Nehemiah 9:28 (NIV)*

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📋What a marvelous picture of the patience of God! He lets us taste the results of our evil. He gets our attention sometimes by letting disaster strike. But it is only in order that we might hear what he is saying and be delivered. He warns us in order to keep us free. That is what this passage describes—the tough love of God. The closing paragraph, beginning with verse 32, connects the history of Israel’s earlier generations with their present generation. Here we find a change of pronouns from they and them to we and our generation. This is where we find ourselves today. Our cities are filled with violence and strife of such intensity that people hardly dare to go outside their homes. The only recovery is to do as these people did—confess our wrongdoing to God and praise him for his compassionate mercy. Notice how specific the Israelites were. You have acted faithfully, but we did wrong. There is no ‘if’ in true confession. You say, Lord, I did it. I walked in my own wilful way. Then God hears, forgives, and restores. Are you locked up in sin? Confess now.

_*🛐Meditation And Prayer:*_ Lord, I confess my sins to you, forgive me.

_*📚Further Reading:*_ Psalm 106:43-47; Judges 3:12

_*🔑Key Lesson:*_ When we confess, he is faithful and just to forgive us.

_*◼The Bible in one year:*_ Jeremiah 15-17

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