*🙏The Word Daily Devotion 🙏*
(Global Evangelical Church)
👉(Reading: Proverbs 23:19-22)
🗓Friday, September 11
📜…Those who tarry long over wine; those who go to try mixed wine *Proverbs 23:29-30 (ESV)*
📋Are you a wise man or a big fool by what you drink? What you eat and drink can influence your physical health, selfcomposure and sensibilities. Alcoholics lose their selfassurance, their sense of right and wrong. God, on several occasions, tells his children to abstain from alcohol and even fermentable fruits or grains. Drinking habits are counterproductive and alcohol impedes purity, because those who drink it cannot control themselves under its power; therefore, they move from one sin into another. Aaron and his sons were told never to come into God’s presence, having drunk alcohol (Leviticus 10:8-10). When a person makes a vow to God, he is to abstain from alcohol (Numbers 6:1-4). When Samson was in the mother’s womb, she was not to drink any alcohol, neither should the child (Judges 13:4, 13-14). In order to have freedom to drink, many claim the Bible does not speak against drinking but speaks about drunkenness. Alcohol is not good for noble people. As Jesus’ disciples, we cannot take delight in defiling ourselves with alcohol. Our sanctified lives must be in touch with God’s holiness all the time. We must avoid sin for it separates us from God. Keep yourselves pure and holy for your God
_*🛐Meditation And Prayer:*_ Lord, give me a clearer view of how you relate with me in my body, so that I will not defile myself.
_*📚Further Reading:*_ Isaiah 28:7; Hosea 4:11; Jeremiah 35:6-8
_*🔑Key Lesson:*_ Alcohol is an unhelpful liberty. Wise children of God will not defile themselves with it
_*◼The Bible in one year :*_ Daniel 6-8