painful & hateful love😠😠😠😠☻☻☻☻

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3 years ago

Love canbe defined as a very painful thing whih destroy anyone's relative feelings at a time.

It is a very hateful when says that she /he can leave everyone for his/her love.It also represents that how sily his or her other relationships are.They are the best fool of the world who fall in love.

love has many dreadful effects in our society .Many unsocial activities are spreading for the sake of love.

I fall in love when I was a fool and that is the biggest mistake of my life.Every moment ,I suffer for this.I have a relationship of three years and it is going on.he loves me very much.But love is now overloaded for me.He is now taking my freedom for the sake of his love.I wanna be with him.But he said that he cannot survive without me.But now I cannot survive with him.I cannot live a free and happy life .I hate love...And everyone should hate it.Now..I have started hating my life .

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3 years ago
