My first job

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Written by
3 years ago

My first job was as a private tutor. I am either their favourite teacher or students are terrified of me. 🤣 I keep pushing my students until they fully understand what I am teaching and this can get really intense.

Don't get me wrong. I am open to hearing your problems, if you honestly ask for a day or two off, i will happily give you that. If you couldn't finish your homework and tell me, i will not even bother to scold you. But lies or not telling what you are finding difficult to understand is something I take very seriously.

If I am teaching, you have to be honest with me. If you want to watch youtube video and not study, tell me. If you couldn't do your homework cause you didn't feel like, tell me that too. If you couldn't understand a math, ask me. But pretending to understand and making up stories is big bold capital NO.

Why am I saying this? In this quarantine, my brother is studying with me. And studying with him made me understand one thing- our education system doesn't train us to be honest. So sometimes when he is afraid and doesn't share his problem it annoys the shit out of me 😑 I don't blame him though. If he was in school now and he would have asked the same question 7 times, teacher would have insulted him and other students would have made fun of him. And this mentality of keeping problems to ourselves is damaging our bright minds. I wish there would be more teacher to inspire students.

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Written by
3 years ago


Hey thats the life of a teacher & you mentioned your experience brilliantly

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3 years ago

yeah.that's right .it needs much paitents

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3 years ago