Unknown causes of infertility and IUI

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3 years ago
Topics: Healthcare

If the cause of infertility is found, no cause can be found in 15% of the patients. But they are suffering in infatuation. This is called unexplained infatuation. But some reasons may remain when the egg is not fertilized or the sperm does not reach the egg. That means the egg was not fertilized. The next step that may come is fetalization but it could not be implanted properly inside the uterus. So these but these cannot be seen with the naked eye, some have to be identified through treatment. One method used in this case is the IUI method. This IUI is used during ovulation. Different types of injections are used to enlarge the egg during this treatment. When the follicles begin to grow, the size of the follicles is about 16 mm or 22 mm, then the follicles are broken and fertilized. Through which the rate of infertility can be reduced. 90% of babies are born healthy in this process. This IUI process is not too expensive. So ordinary people can use this process. To know more, visit

http://www.jpmedpub.com/bookdetails.aspx?SearchTxt=decision making&OBookID=2865&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2uH-BRCCARIsAEeef3muEt8uE2Huuze1gU1Iw7TbJOpD2-tzTv-zCsHfX6Sv5TjYuMC-j0YaAkNzEALw_wcB

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3 years ago
Topics: Healthcare
