Travel to Cox’s Bazar

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Experience

There is no solution to the problem + there is no complaint. However, it is a problem.

  1. I went to Cox's Bazar in 2009, then I didn't go any more.

  2. After leaving, my mother told me not to bring anything from there for 1 taka.

  3. There are younger brothers and friends nearby, some said chocolate + some said dryie + some said to bring pickles. I auctioned for them as well as a small amount for the house where it is forbidden to buy anything.

  4. I packed my bag in such a way that I filled the chocolate + pickles + dried fruits with the bottom and my clothes on top.

  5. After coming home, my mother took my bag in her hand, as if looking for something, seeing the depth of my clothes, I thought there was nothing downstairs, she told me that my younger brother would come home with something for her. I smiled to myself. Then I took the bag in my hand. I took out the things.

  6. I will bring it for those whom I promised to bring. Now my mother has distributed the things as she likes and left the rest with something to the person close to her, saying that they will stay at home.

  7. This way Amit knows for whom I have brought these. When I am taking the packets for them, my mother says I don't have to give them at home. She has arranged the things.

  8. One of the people for whom I have brought this way is coming home. I am now in shame. If my mother says something in front of them, Ijjat is over.

I get a lot of emotional distress when things like this happen every day.

To give another example, if my younger brother didn't listen to me, I would sometimes be a pirate / sometimes a bully / sometimes a gossip. Then my mother would tell me the opposite, why do I do that with my younger brother, he said so many things. After a while, the younger brother did not listen to anyone, before he was just afraid of me, now I am silent, he started to do extra.

When my younger brother started having a lot of stomach ache many years ago, I took my cousin (Dr. MBBS) with me and gave him gastric + pain medication from the pharmacy.

Then after 6/7 years my younger brother started having the same stomach ache and showed it to that cousin again, after doing some tests and after he got a very big disease, I spent 12 lakh rupees in 3 months on my own. Now my mother's complaint is why I 7/8 years ago I did not take him to the hospital, then he would not have this problem, it's my fault. But Dr. but an e.

In the end, I also know that mother, mother, whatever she says, she listens to what she says, she says what she knows, but when I keep saying the same thing over and over again where I have no faults, I use threatening / obscene sentences. Even if I didn't say it, I would have kept quiet. It is not good to treat my mother badly. But if I do the same thing with the unnecessary thing, I can't keep my head straight. If I threaten, I become silent again.

Let me tell you one last story, once I put the key of the room on the table in front of my mother, in the morning I saw that there was no key on the table, I couldn't find much. My mother said why did you put the key on the table It's my fault. I broke the television + chair a lot at home showing anger that day. Where I have no hand in losing the key, there is no one else at home.

This kind of thing is happening to me every day, I am under a lot of stress. Now I get very tired from time to time, I am in a very bad mood. I want to keep quiet without talking, but I will do all the things for which I am very tired. Pohate, I have to do the solution at the end of the day. Mr. Perfect Giri to show his life is over. Does anyone know any easy solution to these problems!

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Experience
