Crazy Genius

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story

He who tries once, his destiny is ordinary man. He who tries again and again, he is extraordinary.

And, I call the person who keeps trying until he stops breathing "crazy genius".

A genius was walking down the street in New York. A girl saw him and recognized him as the famous painter Pablo Picasso. The girl went to him and asked him to paint a picture of her.

Picasso took the paper out of his pocket and in just 30 seconds handed it to the girl and said it cost 50 lakh rupees!

The girl was very surprised and asked him "Are you crazy"? Only 30 seconds worth 50 million?

Pablo left without saying a word. The girl went to some painting showrooms and wanted to know the price of the picture and everyone said with great interest that it was a Picasso painting and offered Rs 50 lakh to buy it.

The girl started looking for Picasso. After finding her in an exhibition, the girl got excited and said, you are right. Your painting costs 50 lakh rupees. I also want to learn how to make 50 lakh income in 30 seconds.

Pablo Picasso replied with a laugh, "You have seen me earn income in 30 seconds. I have had to practice, try and pursue for 30 years to come to this place."

The moral of the story is that we compare our own failures with the current successes of the people. However, we do not consider how many times that person has failed, how much he has been humiliated or neglected by the people.

Major Dachang, an Indian hockey player, practiced his hockey on the railway line. He controlled the ball with a stick so that the ball would not fall down.

Once he went to play in the Olympics. The opposing team came to check his hockey stick.

Checking, it was seen that there was nothing attached to his stick. Very ordinary stick like others. But even after playing so well, Dachang could not score any goal and the half time of the game was over!

Everyone said do something or our team will lose. This time Dachang sat down to challenge. He said the opponent's goalpost is smaller than the normal size!

The Olympic organizers thought it was a matter of prestige.

This Major Dachang proved how much practice makes a person confident and perfect. There are such incidents every day online and on Google. If you do Ghataghati, you will also get it.

It's not that big of a deal. If the people above can build a building of success with their practice and effort, you can own the whole society of success, not one or two if you want.

All that is needed is sincerity and diligent effort. Tell your ears "you don't hear anything" until you succeed, tell your eyes not to see the negligence of others.

Your success will one day answer them. On that day only you will say, the whole world will listen. Thanks, thanks everyone.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Short Story
