Reasons why cryptocurrencies are criticised and why the critics are wrong.

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3 years ago

So many of us on here are new to cryptocurrencies and Don't actually know how they work cause most likely we just wanna earn from it and get discouraged when we see dips but the real lovers and those that have passion for it know it's better to save and invest in cryptocurrencies rather than investing or saving in Fiats and with DeFi now in place you can get rewards either just by holding your coins in wallet or staking them in with a validator. So it's a win win situation for you if you look at it properly.

So what are cryptocurrencies?

These are currencies that are digital or virtual currencies,that are secured by cryptography,which make is nearly impossible to counterfeit or double spend.

Most of them are run by what we call blockchain technology that is decentralized making it's issuance not to be by a central body and giving them immunity to government control and influence.

The first crypto is Bitcoin which is the most popular and other coins are either a fork from it or built from scratch.

So below are some of the reasons to problems and critics that cryptocurrencies are passing through and facing right now and me proving them wrong that cryptos isn't the cause of those problems.

1. Cryptocurrencies are being used for illegal activities and scams:

Because of their anonymous nature and their untraceable physical destinations cryptocurrencies are being used for fraudulent and phishing activities.

This is true as I've being a victim before and I learned my lessons and mistakes. We all have this greed of longing for something bigger than we already have so I don't blame anyone that got scammed....but I'll blame you if you don't learn your lessons.

Why they are wrong:

These critics seems to forget that before cryptocurrencies came into existence they were already scams,fraud, phishing that's even bigger than the ones we hear today worldwide where con artists could swindle you in a couple of minutes before your very eyes.

Cryptocurrencies shouldn't be blamed for scams and frauds.... Jobs and proper innovations Should be provided so people would have a good job and stop frauds and all boils down to the government which are to be blamed for the increased scam and every other illegal activities.

And that is why cryptocurrencies are here to save people from financial stress and give financial freedom.... embrace cryptocurrencies today.

2. Exchange rate volatility:

We all know a cryptocurrency can make a 1000% jump or fall in just a day, making some people wealthy or some poor in a twinkle,yes we all know of this,these kinda jump only happens in the crypto world and I don't think there's anywhere else.This risk and uncertainty about cryptocurrencies is why it is being criticised by some people. Yeah I used to be one of the critics because of this but since I got to understand this peer to peer cryptocurrency system,I don't see it as a problem anymore.

Why they're wrong: the cryptocurrencies exchange market and the foreign exchange market is just the same,the only difference is the volatility,it all boils down to proper risk to reward every investment they're are risks and that is why you have to manage your risks properly and do your exchanges and trading at the right time....a good one in your favor can make you wealthy in a twinkle and vice versa. Embrace cryptocurrencies today and manage your risks and cryptocurrencies won't fail you

3. vulnerabilities of the infrastructure underlying them:

This is one that really fears people a lot.... imagine putting your files on a SD card or flash drive and the flash or card got corrupted and has to shot down. We all know that cryptocurrencies digital assets or currencies that are built on computer via blockchain technology that can get corrupted or just shut down or you could lost your private key and all your assets and everything are gone,yes u could get broke,very broke in a matter of seconds but if you look at upside it is worth the risk.

This is entirely true and I see no reason they're wrong here, that's why it is always advised to risk what you can loss and if the reward isn't worth the risk then don't even try to invest in the first place and always remember to keep your private keys safe.

Goodbye till we meet again.

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