Coffee will not exist in the future?

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Avatar for Equinox_Writer
3 years ago

Do you always sip a coffee every morning when you wake up? Does coffee starts your day? What brand of coffee do you buy everyday? Did you know that 2.2 billion cups of coffee consumes everyday, its because there are lots of people who love coffee or people who need to sip a coffee so that their strength will boost, we can't lie that coffee is very tasty especially when added sugar, it is also healthy for our body since it contains vitamins, it also help us if we're to tired when we sip a coffee our body awakens and fight so that we can accomplish our task eventhough its late night.

Coffee is also our companion when we want peace, drinking coffee while watching a nice view helps us to relax our mind from problems. There are also branded coffee that only exist on expensive branches such as Starbucks in which their class of beans is too high and can buy it on expensive price. There are people who loves coffee so much, I don't know the reason why but I kinda like to sip a coffee too but I don't like black coffee since it taste gross,but I added it with sugar to make it sweet.

We love to sip a coffee but in the future coffee will not exist, maybe there are branded coffee but its price is too expensive that riches can only afford, its because of illegal human activities, due to global warming, he temperature on earth changes, those country which popular when it comes to coffee beans, like Colombia, hectars of land has been occupied by coffee beans and almost production of coffee beans around the world comes from Colombia.

Since they have high quality beans that sold in popular coffee shops, to raise a coffee tree it needs a sensitive amount of heat and rain, it's very difficult to grow a coffee tree due to climate change, the production of coffee in Colombia decreases since the date that the coffee tree will grow and bear beans is change, also those country which plant coffee tree experience El niño or dry season, because of too much heat those coffee tree cannot grow healthy and sometimes burned by too much heat, lack of water is also the main problem due to El niño.

Human illegal activities has negative impacts in production of coffee, those carbon gases came from factory and carbon monoxide created when burning plastics, rubbers and garbages contribute too much carbon gases on our atmosphere, it traps on our ozone layer and it cannot escape into space, thats why we feel to much heat and our temperature is rising, because of our illegal actions even the coffee is affected, there is a study saying that in the next decade the production of coffee around the world will be half, its because of climate change. Scientist may not convince you change the way you harm the planet but maybe a COFFEE CAN.

$ 0.02
$ 0.01 from @ico
$ 0.01 from @Deejah20
Avatar for Equinox_Writer
3 years ago


Nice article :)

$ 0.00
User's avatar ico
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

I really love coffee, hot or cold. And after reading this, things have changed. This article does not really points the possibility of coffee being not exist in the future. It is about how we should learn to be disciplined as the climate change is happening.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

that's righttt

$ 0.00
3 years ago