Art is a soul living in every one of us.

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3 years ago

We all know that art is something we always love to do. It is either an expression of our thoughts, emotions, desires, but it is deeper than that. It is also sharing our experiences to the world and communicating with others.

I always believe that everyone was born with a talent and love for arts within them. Art is not just about a beautiful painting or a colorful presentation but it varies in different forms. It can be either dancing, singing, acting, writing, or even poetry. 

Everyone is born with art, others may didn’t know it but it is already written in their soul. I remember way back in my elementary years, when my friends and I were about to go home, a group of bikers passed through us. It was my first time seeing something like that so I was in awe. 

Then a few weeks after, the same scenario happened. But this time, it was raining cats and dogs so we decided to leave our bags in the guardhouse and went home soaked in rain, but again, a group of bikers passed through us. I didn’t know if it was the same group as we saw weeks ago, but they stopped and offered us a ride. 

I was hesitant at first but my friends already agreed so I’ve got no choice since it was already getting darker. It was a female biker who offered me a ride, along the way, I decided to ask her about their purpose in doing it. She said that it was for charity purposes, though it was already their passion from the start but they also want to help because it feels great when you’re already doing something you love and you also helped someone at the same time. 

This event proves to me that art is really vital in our society. Doing something you love is an art. And making use of these arts to help others is such a beautiful thing. Art is more than just an expression, a passion, hope, or reality. It is a soul living in every one of us.

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