SwapCC - The Discord Bot For Swapping Between 300+ CryptoCurrencies

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Avatar for Eniamza
2 years ago

Invite SwapCC!

No wallet, No signup, eh?

You read correctly! SwapCC is above all those hassles and the most "eww" thing called KYC. You can initiate and execute the whole swap without having to leave discord.

Some kind of black magic going on?

Well, CryptoCurrency itself is a magic but no SwapCC is absolutely not a witchcraft bot!

It integrates Simple Swap API, an instant exchange [which I used for a year and love their customer support].

SwapCC uses the REST API to initiate swaps as well as to get estimates and status checking.

There must be a hefty fee.

And no, there isn't. but from experience, there's a 0.5-0.8% slippage last time I used it. This is pretty normal for instant exchanges as the buy/sell orders have to settle orders for higher or lower prices to "instantly" execute.

What features does it offer?

It aims to be a "full-fledged" swap solution for discord. For Which includes:

  • Float Swap: In this mode, The Swap will only have a minimum required amount but no Maximum amount [Yay!]. But while the exchange is in process, it's exposed to market volatility. The command is:

*float from-currency-symbol to-currency-symbol
*float btc eth

  • Fixed Swap: As the name goes, this mode is not affected by market volatility which means the exchange rate will stay the same throughout the swap. But the slippage percentage is a little broader than float swap. There will also be a maximum swap limit to probably protect the price gap. To use this type,

*fixed from-currency-symbol to-currency-symbol
*fixed btc eth

  • Check Exchange Status: You won't even have to leave the discord to check which stage your swap is in "As expected". There are 5 stages. WAITING, CONFIRMING, EXCHANGING, SENDING, FINISHED. To use this,

*check Exchange-ID
*check qxQcuXsyOkK

  • Estimate Exchange Amount: This gives a possible estimate based on floating rate. That means it shows the exchange rate for that particular time only but is a good way to plan your next swap! This can also act as crypto vs crypto price conversion. The command is:

*estimate From-currency-symbol To-currency-symbol
*estimate btc eth

  • Price and Available Market Data: This is when Coingecko comes in. The module fetches 2 types of data. The first shows general market data such as price, market cap change in 1/24 hour etc. The second part fetches a list of coins that is available to swap for that coin. Easily done through:

*info Currency-symbol
*info shib

  • Convert real-time price to fiat currencies: This module converts the price of the crypto to familiar fiat currencies. which can be seen through:

*convert amount Currency-symbol
*convert 0.001 eth

The Bottom Line

Instant exchanges have always been there to help us with hassle-free swaps! SwapCC adds another layer of easiness to crypto exchange. It doesn't matter if you're in a serious crypto discussion or FOMO'd. Just DM the bot and you're good to go! After all, Discord is our 2nd world.


$ 0.00
Avatar for Eniamza
2 years ago
