Faraon ladron intelligent.

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4 years ago

Faraón y ladrón intelligent

The story of many, many days. The Egyptians entered the era of the pharaohs. Rampsinitus was born in Egypt. Muchs, including the grieving Herodoto historian, named the Remix III pint. From all the pharaohs of Egypt, it seems that Rampsinitus was the richest. These positions include pleasures, adornments and earrings and many more. All the new ones added joy to their collection.

The foreigner Rampsinitus also had a lot of discontent. Always thinking about your enormity. ¡Al darse cuenta de que siemper estaba asustado, llegó un ladrón y se robó todo! Finally there is a decision.

With an engineer (artistic entourage), Rampsinitus built a house without piers without vents. A lado de la casa estaba con el palacio. In this case, the engineer cooled a piedra of tal manera that only Rampsinitus pudira quitar piedra with la ayuda de un resorte. Vamonos! Mp Rampsinitus ahora fue liberado de su vasta riqueza y ya no le teme al robo!

The first sentence of an instruction is completely inescapable. Not only is it true or false, but it is the emperor Shah Jahan or the almighty Jeff Isa Mia who never despised the creation of the Taj Mahal, as if he could not build a Taj Mahal similar! Mp Rampsinitas will probably give you some additional information for the engineer!

But more often than not, when the engineer was dying, he told his two sisters and he said: "I am dying now. No one can do it for us. But I keep a secret. In the other part of the house of the third one." Faraón, cocaó a un piedra de tal manera que se pudiera abrir con un resorte, al igual que la piedra de enfrente, que nadie sabe. ¡Ni siquiera el faraón! Toma precisely lo que necesites cuando lo necesites, no demasiado ".

Disposal of the engineer's body, his two hijacked the house of the tesoro in the oscillation of the nose and encountered the piedra in the correct position, then his father. Get into the habit and take everything you can to get better and better. At the end of the day, the pharaoh Rampsinitus entered the house of the recluse and gave him the account that the couple fell into many things. ¡But I don't know how to enter the house in this house! So, there are many different things, when you don't find one of your favorite collages, you just put a tramp inside the house to catch the ladies.

The manor of the two men entering the house is a little bit and he got into a tramp. The more beautiful the woman, the less she will be freed from the manor. The manor dejo entoces: “If you meet me, the foreigner will reconcile me and I will meet you again. We don't care about the two of them. The first carrier about the family. More than that, like the cabeza, pond no pondrá en peligro a nuestra familia! "

In other words, the most beautiful woman decapitates the most beautiful woman. At the end of the day, the pharaoh went to the house of Sampad and told him something had happened. The pharaoh Rampsinitus was sent away, but he did not see the cabeza. He told the other person that he was inviting the robot, who wanted the cabaret.

Colgó este cuerpo sin cabeza fuera del palacio, custodiando en secreto algunos soldados. If someone comes to take care of this, it will be extravagant, because it will be the second compliant of the lad.

The most important thing is that you have a lot of problems with the cabaret. Prepare to enter the cup of her husband's manor. See an idea. Come to the front of the palacio in a burrow with some barricades of licorice. He caught the soldered and filtered a barrel, from which the wine was sold. Luego empezó a llorar. We sold the escort lourar and the question to her mayor who was very happy. “The barrel gotea and the vino gotea. The reason I don't care about it ”, said the mayor and came to the new place. We sold the consulate, saying we would investigate the ascent. The most important thing was that he was happy and came to Darwin's house after the sale, a little more.

All sold babies and durmieron profundably. For the first time the mayor of the city, at the time the city of the city of Manor and the enterprise. ¡Faraón volvió a perder ante el ladrón en el juego de la intelligence!

Here, however, the phrase Rampsinitus is not deceitful. If he had a different idea, he would have said that he would love to have fun with the pharaoh. The pharaoh proclaimed to the queen that everyone in the goddess had to deal with the princess the most intelligent of her vidas and to the princess who wanted it. The story is that the ladder must know that the person who told the story of the decapitation and toma of the crow in the house of the recluse, will be captured. At a moment when all the world was a Yudhisthira veraz, there is a reason for the paresis that nadie could not remember Faraán's mentality!

The most important addition to the game of intelligence is the greatest in life. There was a cemetery and the court had a man and a caddy. Sostovo esa mano a través de la sábana como si fuera una mano real. When the most beautiful woman comes to control the story of the princess decapitating the manor in the year of the finca and tomar el cuerpo del frante del palacio, the princess de repente agarró la mano del hermano mayor, gritando y llamando a los soldados.

Where is the mayor? ¿D mannde está la mano? ¡Ahí está la mano de un cadáver! Hermano mayor termina!

This is when the phrase Rampsinitus was heard. Decided that he was waiting for one and the other before the interaction of the lad, which he did not establish in conflict with él. Anonymous, to reveal its identity to the child. Luego vino el hermano mayor y se presentó al faraón. The pharaoh Rampsinitus was complaining and not only did he give her her husband a fight in the real court, but he also died with the princess.

A part of the entourage, the mayor and the princess come together to make her happy.

(Form in which all terminology is metaphorical, no termination ahí, parece un cuento de hadas. Así que el historiador griego Herodoto lo llama un mito egipcio, pero yo quiero llamarlo un cuento de hadas egipcio).

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4 years ago
