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3 years ago


Because of the grievous mythology, Zeus una vez quiso construir este templo. There is a mythical grievance, Madre Tierra is a diosa llamada Gaya. Jesus asked, thinking of the six in English. Enviá un alguila al este y un oeste para encontrar el ombligo del engranje. The point of meeting the two angels is the same as that of the ombudsman. The name of this lugar in this tempo in Delphi fue Chrissa, more often than not Paithia (often very difficult Pytho). But there is a friend who knows this number. An enormous dragon named Python solves protector of this template, it decides, the English language.

The first one is the Python month. Not to mention the ombudsman of Ninguna Manera, the final figure of Jesus, Apollo, the god of sol, the melody, the truth and the destiny, but the reptile.

Python can get the number of Python's monstrosity, but very few are aware of it, saying that they will get the number of Pythos monja. Cualquiera sea el nombre, este templo siemper ha tenido un valor especial para la gente de Grecia. Includes a couple of miles away, the Grecia solitaire acudir this orcule to find solutions to various problems, futures and questions. For that matter, it's natural that there are so many types of work on the Delfos and the Oracle.

Quizás la historia más tragica del destino es la del rey Layo y su hijo Edipo. Literary writers like Homero and Hidias have written stories based on this story.

Layo, the rey de la región que una vez vivió en Tebas, tenía una reina llamada Yocasta. For the grace of the gods, their happiness has no connotations. But like all the stories, there was only one problem. Lias no tuvo hijos. In an instant, yl y la Reina juraron lealtad al Oráculo en Delfos. It is better to say something. Great part of Delphi's Oracle was enigmatic. The chapters of the template will find a compliant solution. The idea that the Oracle of the Delfos was given to Rey Layo was that the rey pronto tend to be a hijo, but the rey debaría matarlo. De contrario, este niño crecerá y matará a su propio padre y se casará con su propia madre. The rey is recognized to teach the Delfos prophecy.

The more tarde, a hijo se cruzó en su regazo. Realizing that the prophecy was really real, he told Layo that he would perform a good deed on his table to evacuate the little girl. At the funeral, Reina Yocasta joined the crew for the day in the bosque of the montage.

The creature entered the baby in a pastor in the montage, like to wake up in the bushes. The monta was established in the line of two reinforcements, Tebas and Corinto, Tebas for a lado and Corinto for the other. Maya for the baby of the pastor. The baby gave the other pastor a lot of concoid to the other side of the colina, without letting the buitor force him to come. The pastor thought that the child could live in Corinthian, without knowing that the child was the princess of Tebas.

Mientras tanto, Polybus, rey de Corinto, and la reina Merap no tuvieron hijos. Unfortunately, this baby was adopted and named Edipo. And continue writing like your prophet. Edipo sigue sindo valiente en valor. This form has a lot to offer. All of them. However, one day, the problem becomes a problem.

In a moment of discord, a burglary comes from Edipo that is not the word of the ray of his son, his son who recovers. The romping romper on Edipo. Initially the questions are about respecting your parents and wanting to know the truth. Naturally, his parents adoptive treats that do not go to school, Edipo is his proprietor. At the moment, Edipo is not even close, but there is a problem.

The mind of Edipo nunca se calmó. The only thing that Delfos could find was the correct answer and he wanted to be the answer, his confession of mental despair. When asked by his parents, Oracle of Delphi advises that he does not interfere with his parents from Ninguna Manera, de contrario, la muerte de su padre estaría escrita en su mano y se casaría con su madre.

Edipo cree que sopla la tormenta. He told her that he had died before his father had written in his hand, not to return to Corinth de Ninguna Manera. Decided to go to Tebas, a city near the Templo de Delfos.

In the house of Thebes, the cruiser of the three carriages llamado Davila. I think Edipo cruzaba is this camino, a caballo accidentally provoked an accident manor. The conductor tries to distract with Edipo. Edipo el pr yncipe y uno de los mejores guerreros de Corinto. For the first time, not even the caricature of tirado for caballos, mis el mismo Lias, the rey de esta región! Established as the end of Edipo. From an accidental manor, the disposition becomes more intense than the point at which the call is due. ¿Sabían que padre e hijo se iban a infrentar?

Sea lo que sea, ¡ha adivinado el resultado! Edipo mató al rey Layo. An ocular testicle of this incident caused an escalate recidivism.

The death of the rey arroja una sombra de duelo sobre el reino. Nadie knows the identity of the ascension of the rey and because she knows the rey. Realize the funeral of Rey with gran pompa. In the reunion of Rey, gobernaron la reina y su hermano Crayon. The Corona declares that she will be the Rey of Tebas, as is the case with the Reina Yocasta, who will be able to respond correctly to her questions at the front of the Asfinge.

Esfinge is a month with a leopard and a human cabbage that is kept at the table. Whenever a person enters the city of Manera, he has to return to Esfinge. The fear that you may respond correctly to the question may arise in the city, that the conflict will tend to prevail over death. The questions of Esfinge have caused a lot of problems. Internally, many guerrillas and escalavians and talents were established at their endeavors.

Edipo se encounter con la Esfinge en su camino a Tebas. Esfinge the question: "¿Qué animal camina sobre cuatro patas por la maana, dos patas por la tarde y tres patas por la tarde?"

Edipo entendió la respuesta, dio la respuesta: hombre. The humbre se arrastra a quatro patas en la infancia, camina en dos piernas en la juventud y en las noches de la vida tiene que caminar sobre palos. The response was correct, and Esfinge was allowed to enter Tebas, and Edipo was convinced of the nocturnal maneuver in a circle for Tebas.

Edipo se casó con la reina Yocasta con gran pompa como prometió. In a nutshell, nació un babé en el regazo de la reina. Your name is Etiocles. And the pocos nacieron tres niños more iluminando his house. Un hijo y dos hijas, los hijos se llaman Polynesis y las hijas se llaman Ismin y Antigone respectivamente. Edipo and Yocasta are a fairy tale. The state of the state was established with the effective administration of Edipo. And Edipo is the first to think that he has never met his father, Polibo, rey of Corinto. Se Que se evite la prophetía de Delfos! But the happiness is not far away forever.

The gods established many complaints with all these injustices. The pest and the hambre descend on the reno bajo the mold of the gods. The farmers did not produce any cultivars. Not only human beings, but also domestic animals were affected by the disease. If we leave all the passages to poner fin this is a tragic incident. When all the demons fall, Edipo ordains the Oracle that encounters a saliva. Oracle said that the solution to this radical problem is in the death of Ray Layo, and that an investigation was carried out into the death of Rey to liberate the gods from this maladies.

The search was completed without direct supervision from Edipo. Ip Edipo is not the only one who is looking for the right one!

In one of the investigations, the escalator presents the incidental testimony that Edipo was in this day. Edipo todavía no podía creerlo todo. Reina Jokasta, but I love you so much. Edipo se rascó el tobillo y se dio cuenta de que era el hijo del que estaban seguros de morir. Jokasta fue a su habitación y cerró la puerta. Edipo, without embargo, is not safe yet. Continue searching. At a moment's notice, when the two veneers are pasted and tested, Edipo has no more remediation that he accepts.

Yocasta is safe from the dolor, and Edipo, desperate, he wants the alfiler of the shirt and sacs of the two ojos of agujero with él.

The little Edipo passed the rest of his life in a beautiful desk near the Atenas. Enter the girls in this moment only ten times a day Antígona a su lado. Teseo, rey de Atenas, extendi mano de simpatía a Edipo. Because of direct supervision, this infirmity passed its last days modestly. But Edipo was extremely annoying with his two hijos. Sometimes it hurts to be negligent. The final, edipo murió, poniendo fin a todo dolor.

There are so many, having to leave Edipo's saliva, a problem enters between the two hermans, Itiocles and Polynesia, about who is in power. In the end, he decides that a person will be sent to the other side. The first rey fue etiocles. But a little hope will come back to haunt him. The guerrilla enters between the two hermans. Nadie ganó esta guerra sangrienta. The two hermits murmured at the other side. Los crayones oportunistas approve of the opportunity to ascend to Trono and declare infinity to Polynesia. In order to enter your kitchen, Crayon told me that the best thing to do is to save the best salvage. Antígona no pudo aceptar el estado del cuerpo de su hermano. But the supernatural crayon that enters her husband's mouth. Believe it or not, listen to the grunts of your dreams, because of the contrario, the crayon ordinance that the atraparan viva in a cueva oscura hasta la muerte, and with only a day of comida.

Hameon, the son of Crayon, was always protesting because of the accusations of his father from the principal. From time immemorial, Antigua has its protidag y and does not accept the dead penny for its future space.

In Tebas, for the first time, the adolescent of Apollo was a saint named Thiresius. Like the crayon of Crayon and the contingent of the gods because of their mold.

Listen to the dissatisfaction of the gods, the rey recovers the feeling. But all the time when your hijo and fl fueron to reset the antigens. Antigua has no tolerance for injustice in this world. If the suicidality exists at the end of the oscillation. After all, the consolations of his love, Hemion is not much better. If rebel against the rey. In the end, without embarking, no matter what happens to your father, you will die like a lover. Mentras tanto, la mader Eurydice se suicidó por ira y dolor después de escuchar la noticia de la muerte de su hijo. Finally, Rey Crayon discovered that all her family had died.

And so, the tragedy ended when the Delphi Orbit was created. Because, the grievances created that there is no escape from destiny. For example, to solve the story of Ray Layo, how to tell the story that would be derived by the destiny to keep the senses from trying.

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3 years ago
